42. Tomorrow Shall Be Better

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Pairing: Sage/Jeremy-Stefan (F/mm) hand, butter paddle

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

August 1855


For the first time ever, the Mikaelson siblings were all assembled in one room.

Rebekah had gone out and made apologies to the rest of the family sitting at the, now abandoned, dining table. Sage and Elena would get Stefan and Jeremy to bed with the help of the staff. Damon was going to take Solomon upstairs and get him settled. Marcellus was restless and went out to have a smoke. He wanted to spend some alone time with Rebekah, but it would have to wait.

Freya sat stiffly in her chair in Klaus' study. She gripped Finn's hand, as if afraid to let go. Her other hand stroked Rebekah's arm. Seeing the resemblance between the two and perhaps himself, made him feel a shred of guilt that he had accused Freya of having ill intentions. But Klaus did not trust anyone so easily, he told himself that he had to be the voice of reason. For even Kol was looking at Freya with a pleasant expression. Elijah, Klaus knew, was more nervous than he let on.

Elijah poured Freya more tea and coaxed her to continue.

"Please, Sister, go on," Elijah said, with a small smile.

"Forgive me," Freya said, her blonde hair hanging down, as she peered into her tea. "The smell of chamomile reminds me of her...Ester. I cannot refer to that woman as my mother. For what mother gives away her child so easily?"

Finn grimaced, "The last I remember was a dark haired woman coming. Mother told me she was a healer, but then she said you succumbed to the plague. Father was gone. When he returned, the witch Ayana convinced us all to go to a land that was mystical. She said the New World was full of inhabitants who experienced good health, speed, and strength. We left soon after...Much of it tis a muddle of images."

"Yes, it was winter when Dahlia came for me. We were both so young," Freya confirmed. "She eventually told me the whole story. But when I was a child, she oft told me that Mother did not want me anymore. I was too willful and disobedient of a wench for a mother to love. I could not understand why Father did not come for me. My father was stronger and braver than any other warrior, yet he too, abandoned me."

Finn frowned, "Freya, he too, believed Mother's lies. Your death broke him and he became a monster, long before he turned us into monsters. He was not the man who played with us in the orchards and chased us, laughing. I never saw him laugh again unless it was at some misfortune."

Klaus smiled wryly and poured himself a bourbon. "Nay, when he chased me it was to whip me half to death or try to hack me to pieces. I suppose I am lucky he only stabbed me once."
Freya's eyes met Klaus', she breathed, "I am sorry to hear that. I would have given anything to get away from Dahlia. In truth, I did. But I lose myself. So Dahlia brought me up using me as her slave. She sucked the magic from my bones as she taught me her dark magic spells. After a few years, with my own power growing, I realized that she was afraid of me, in a sense. She isolated us and only brought me out to link our power together so she could do even more evil. I hated her. She never showed me a shred of love or kindness, just darkness. I am loathe to admit it. I finally gave in to despair and gave up hope for myself. But Dahlia had saved her cruelest magic for last."

Finn stood and accepted the drink Klaus poured for him.

"What do you mean? What did this evil aunt of our want?" Finn demanded.

"She wanted, wants, rather, total power. You see, my siblings, Ester not only promised her first born to this witch, but all first borns of her line," Freya revealed. "So she searched for all of you for centuries. With blood magic, she could track you. However, when Ester cast the spell that made you blood drinkers, you could not continue the line. So that too, fall to me. Only I found out what she was up to, after I fell in love, one of the years I was awake. I tried to kill myself and my child. But Dahlia had spelled us to be immortal. I could not die, but my child did. She took from me, everything."

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