53. Klaus' Wine Cellar

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Pairing: Finn/Stefan (M/m) hand

Warning for mentions of child abuse, kidnapping

*Hank plot line by Jazmine F. with thanks!

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855


Finn took the note from Stefan and tucked it behind his back.

"Sit down, Stefan. Why do you not tell me what Miss Haley has to say about your behavior?" Finn started. Stefan had been hoping that the adults would be too busy to deal with his latest misbehavior. The estate had been buzzing with activity for the last few days. Something was going on, but Stefan did not understand what. Everyone, aside from the children, had been very busy of late.

Stefan shuffled nervously and then sat down on the porch swing. He bit his lip and looked helplessly at Finn with teary eyes.

Finn wanted nothing more than to comfort the boy, but he knew that would need wait.
"Young man, do I have to bare your bottom and spank it out of you?" Finn asked pointedly.

Stefan bounced up and quickly blurted, "Lexi was mad at Rose so weputamouseinherlunch!"

Finn coughed, "You what? Put a mouse in her...lunch?"

Stefan shifted from foot to foot and replied, "Yes, it was a jest!"

"It does not sound too amusing to me," Finn retorted. "Nor to the creature itself. Did this disrupt the class?"

Stefan bit his lip and wailed, "Yes! But Miss Hayley paddled us hard at recess!"

Finn pulled Stefan between his knees so the boy would look him in the eye.

"What tis the rule, Stefan?" Finn asked slowly.

Stefan looked down and said, "If I get paddled at school, I get another spanking at home."

"And do you know why that is?" Finn asked, genuinely curious if the child understood.

"Because at school I represent...the family. If I am bad then people think I am poorly brought up," Stefan admitted softly. "But no one thinks that, right, Finn?"

"Nay, I imagine not. But also Miss Hayley has many children to teach and while you are causing havoc, you are not able to learn. Did you think Rose enjoyed this jest?" Finn prompted.

"Rose was angry and almost fainted. She told Lexi she was embarrassed," Stefan shared. "Miss Hayley was angry, too. Everyone had to go outside."

Finn put his hands on Stefan's shoulders.

"So do you think you deserve another punishment or shall we say that you were already dealt with?" Finn asked.

"I guess I ought to get another lickin'. Lexi said she is never gonna sit once her ma is done with her," Stefan sniffed.

Finn smiled and pulled Stefan on to his lap for a brief cuddle.

"I bet she will be fine," Finn coaxed. "But I agree that another spanking would probably be in order. Then, we will put the matter to rest."

Stefan cried, "Oh, do you have to spank me?"

Finn breathed out, "I will offer you a deal. You can spend the evening in your room. I am sure Miss Hayley and Rose would like letters of apology. I will help you write them out."
Stefan thought, "I suppose I shall take the spanking. I already told them I was awful sorry."
"You did? I am then awfully proud of you. Look, Stefan, children make mistakes. The next time you have a choice to make about doing a prank or refraining, you can say no," Finn advised. He stood and carried Stefan into the house and into his and Sage's quarters. The others looked at each other with knowing glances. For once, Jeremy had nothing to say. Elena was holding her breath as she helped Jeremy set out his homework papers. She had finished all her assignments at school.

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