48. Football Time

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Pairing: Hayley/Rebekah (F/f) small paddle

Thank you to everyone who gave me their input. I appreciate it. This maybe the last update for a few days. Let me know any requests for next chapter.

*It wasn't until 1873 that Harvard had their first football game. I took some artistic license here since in TVD, Damon introduces Stefan to the sport in the 1860s.

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Damon had fallen into a restless sleep. It was difficult to sneak around in a houseful of vampires but he had to see Elena with his own eyes. He was tempted to try to cast another sleeping spell on Kol lest he wake up but he remembered Finn's hard hand on his backside. He did not think he could take another whipping even over his trousers like that again. He did try to check his backside, but like Elijah had commented there was no sign that he had been spanked. Vampires had a way of applying an intense sting that faded fast, he supposed. There was no other explanation.

With a start, Damon realized Marcel was also not in his bed. That was not unusual as Marcel oft had to "visit the privy" at all hours of the night. Kol usually jested, "Use the chamberpot, Marcellus."

Marcel would glare at Kol and then leave anyway. Damon now realized that he had been sneaking out to visit with Rebekah.

Damon froze as he stepped on a creaky board in the hallway. Damn! He knew that was there. Holding his breath, he crept further down the long hallway. The servants let the oil lamps burn low all night for the humans in case they needed to visit the privy at night.

"Damon!" a small voice behind him hissed. Damon cursed silently and turned, expecting to see his little brother. Instead, it was Jeremy.

"Jeremy, go back to bed," Damon demanded in a whisper.

"No, I need to see Elena. I had a bad dream," the boy replied tearfully.

Damon was trapped. He was in the same predicament

"Fine. Come, but follow my steps. And remain silent," Damon said, motioning for him to join him. He warned him about the squeaky board.

Jeremy whimpered and Damon took his hand firmly. They found the stairs to the attic and slowly made their way up. Damon had never been up there before today. He had not realized it existed.

Only a single candle burned in the large open room. It was stuffy and smelled like some kind of herb or floral fragrance.

"She tis still sleeping!" Jeremy noted. "Wake her up, Damon."

"Hush, she is in a normal sleep now. Freya helped her," Damon explained.

Jeremy bit his lip and rushed to the bed, almost tripping over his night shirt.

Elena awoke groggily and said, "Jeremy? What are you doing out of bed? Oh, Damon..."

Damon watched Jeremy bound into the bed and embrace his sister. The bond between the two reminded him of himself and Stefan. He stopped, unsure if he should come closer.

"Come. I am fine now. My ankle is all better," Elena said. She raised her ankle and moved it to show it was fine. "I am not sure how, but tis better than ever."

Jeremy bounced in the high bed. "Sage said you need not go to school tomorrow. You are to rest."

"I will not complain about that. Damon, come closer," Elena said with a small smile. "Jeremy, you can look at Freya's things but do not touch anything."
Jeremy hopped down and went to the other side of the room.

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