40. The Better Person

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Pairing: Sage/Elena (F/f) hand, hairbrush

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

August 1855

Same Day, Afternoon

Solomon watched his mother closely as she petted the horse.

"Mama, you're leaving again. It tis alright, I know you have to go," Solomon said quietly. He liked the horses, but they were so big, it scared him.

Emily looked up in alarm. "Baby boy, I do not want to leave you again. I thought I could stay a while...Is that not what you want?"

"I want you to stay forever with me," Solomon said truthfully. "But I know what they will do to you. I dreamt it, remember? They will burn you in a fire. Bad man who are greedy for power and land here, they are the ones who will do it. In my dream, they tie you to a tree...Please, Mama, you go and I will see you again."

"Oh my boy," Emily sniffed. "I love you so much. I know you are powerful, as all of Bennett blood are, but do you know how rare it is to have the Sight? It will protect you and let you have many descendants who will protect this land and our people."

"Not only our people, Mama. I love you so much, too, but I do not want this to come to pass. I will have to protect those who live by their fangs and claws. I am afraid of them, but they have a claim to this land, too. Is that not the way of things here? The right thing to do?" Solomon asked.

"It tis, but that way is not easy. The right way is not supposed to be. You are so brave, so good-hearted, maybe too good for this world. But you listen, you follow the voice inside you. And if you need to, you ask our ancestors for help. There are ways. I will ask the vampire Kol to teach you more magic. He knows spells from all over the globe. But stay away from sacrificial magic. It is forbidden for a reason. With our power, it can go wrong fast," Emily said.

"I know, Mama. I will not ever trade a life for a life. We must be servants of nature, not masters of it," Solomon repeated from memory.

"That tis right. Oh my boy, leaving you is like dying already," Emily cried, she stepped away from the horse and pulled her child to her chest. Her brown face was lined with tears, and she did not know if she had the strength to leave him. But she did not want him to watch her die. Not yet.

Emily said her goodbyes and then made her way to the big house to find Kol.

Main House

Sage frowned as she read the note.

"Elena, you punched this other girl! At school, I must say I am rather shocked," Sage admitted, putting down the note.

Rebekah pleaded, "Sage, do not be too angry. This Kathy is a grave menace. She orchestrated the whole thing. Elena was right to lose her temper! I would have killed the little vixen!"

Finn stepped into the girls' bedroom.

"Rebekah Mikaelson, that is not helping. You run along and attend to your chores," Finn said sternly.

Rebekah huffed and glanced at Elena who was standing primly, with her head down. She would not put it past her prickly brother to spank her right in front of her new sister-in-law and Elena. Plus, she did not wish to make him angry.

"Yes, Finn. I am going," Rebekah said quietly.

"Thank you," Finn said gratefully. "We know you are just trying to help."

Rebekah nodded, winked at Elena, and stepped out.

Sage picked up the note and handed it to Finn. He read it silently.

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