6. A Very Long Time

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Pairing: Finn/Klaus (M/M) hand, brush

Chapter Text

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Guest House

Sunday Late Afternoon

May 6, 1855

Finn had listened to them for a very long time. At first, he thought that it was maybe a few days after Niklaus had applied the dagger. He often woke and then faded back into the blackness again, for how long, he knew not. Then, after some time had passed, he realized that his body was desiccated and frozen. It was only his mind that was alive. The words were different, but every now and then, he heard words he recognized. From time to time, his siblings spoke in the old tongue, snippets of French, and latin phrases he knew from their time in France. Sometimes it was whole conversations, other times a word here and there. Then, after the years went on, he began to understand. He overheard fights, arguments, murders, and the laughter that his family engaged in. Over time, Finn stopped trying to scream that he was awake and dissolved into despair. He realized that the self-disgust he had felt had been for himself. He had always been afraid. Instead of standing up to his father, he had tried to hide under his mother's skirts. Finn tried to blend in, to become unnoticed. He was a coward. He did not hate being a vampire, he hated not being able to flee his shame. The shame of being him.

Now Finn had to rectify his past wrongs, he would use this chance to do the hard things he could not have done before.

"That was 35, Niklaus," Finn said casually.

"Here's a groomsman, Brother. He is a good size. I know you must be hungry," Klaus said pushing the man to the other Original vampire.

"Excellent! Why do you not remove those leggings?" Finn said as he bit into the hefy man's wrist and drank deeply.

"They call them breeches now. Is this necessary, Finn? I have not gotten a trashing for a very long time," Klaus said anxiously. Surely, his brother was bluffing. Klaus glanced at the door. Where was Elijah? Klaus sighed and slipped off his trousers, but left on his drawers. They were long enough to taper to his knees, he felt like a boy in short pants.

"Elijah will not save you from your punishment. I gather it is long overdue," Finn said hastily as he broke away from feeding on the human. "Compel him to go back to his duties, if you please."

Klaus did as his eldest brother bade quickly. He made a special point to make sure that the compelled man would have no memory of this encounter. Klaus did not want the servants snickering about him walking around in his drawers.

Finn wiped his mouth on the sleeve of Elijah's white shirt that he wore. .It seemed a touch too small.

"What are those called?" Finn laughed pointing at Klaus' lower half.

"Ah, my drawers," Klaus said bashfully. "Finn, surely, you would rather rest right now."

"I would, however, I will do my duty and then we shall go to bed," Finn said. "What have you brought for me?"

"It is a hair brush. Just like we used to use combs, made from bone or what not, this is made from bristle. The back is coated with silver. I have paddled Rebekah with it several times when she was misbehaving badly," Klaus admitted.

"And did it improve her disposition much?" Finn asked tapped the flat back of the brush on his own thigh.

Klaus stuttered, "Ah, well, aye, i-itt w-was quite effective. But Brother, she died a child...I was a man. Much too old for a hiding," Klaus argued.

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