44. Bullies

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Pairing: Hayley/George Lockwood-Logan Fell (F/mm) yardstick-paddle

Route to School

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Jeremy let out a soft whine as the coach hit a bump in the dirt road leading to town.

Elena looked up from her book with concern and used her thumb to straighten a stray hair from his forehead.
Stefan snickered and whispered to Solomon, "He got another licking this morning!"

The coach was growing crowded and Stefan was perched on Kol's lap.

Jeremy's head shot up in alarm. "Did not!"

Elena shushed him softly, "Tis nothing to be ashamed of, Jer...But we all heard it. You need to behave yourself better."

Damon reached over and gave Stefan's thigh a small tap.

"Aye, Elena is right. You are going to get a spanking soon if you do not mind you manners. You know better," Damon lectured.

Stefan looked down. "I am sorry, Jeremy."

Jeremy squirmed on the hard seat and merely nodded.

Croiá had been looking out the window.

"So you said your sister arrived last night? Is she visiting for long?" Croiá wondered.

Rebekah shifted Solomon on her lap.

"We hope so," Rebekah said. "How is your family doing in the guest house? I have barely seen your brothers."

"Very well, thank you," Croiá said. "They are getting along well. But they shall needs find word soon. Ilayda does not abide by idleness."

Kol grinned, "Either does Elijah. He'll find work for them soon."

Guest House

Freya and Halina laughed as Freya showed her a bruise she had on her leg.

"I slept on a rogue tree branch the other night," Freya said. "I am afraid the cities frighten me. Everything is so loud. I prefer the open country air. Plus, I had little money."

"Oh dear, I hope that is a thing of the past and that better days are here to come," Halina replied. She called out, "Ilayda, we have a visitor!"

Ilayda come bustling into the kitchen.

"I am here, not need to shout," Ilayda said. "Ah, what do we have here?"

Freya looked around the kitchen, "Hello, ma'am. I am Freya. Halina said you are a witch, too."

"Aye, I have been called that," Halina said. She sized up the tall blonde. "You are filled with magic...some of it, very dark."

Freya nodded sadly, "That was not by my choice, though dark magic courses through my bloodline."

Halina interrupted, "Halina, do you have something for bruises? You must check her leg."

Freya lifted her cotton skirt and showed her bruised leg.

"Ah, I will make a poultice out of some comfrey. I do not think we have yarrow here," Ilayda muttered, touching the leg tenderly.

"Yes, I saw some by the washhouse. I shall get it," Halina offered.

"Thank you, child," Ilayda said, as she turned to get her herbal store out of the cupboard.

"Ah, you have a stove in here also?" Freya asked in wonder.

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