55. Guilt and Redemption

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Pairing: Elijah/Klaus (M/M) switch, belt, hand, brush

*Thank you to everyone for their input. I hope you are pleased.

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Elijah held Klaus for another moment and then pulled away.

"You still feel guilty, do you not? This shall eat away at you worse than before if you do not let it go," Elijah said carefully.

"Nay, Elijah, tis not true!" Klaus said adamantly.

"Remember when we stole the pies on market day when we were but children? I think twas a dare from that boy who used to keep birds," Elijah coaxed.

"Ah, Winfred the Stout? Yes, we were foolish to fall into his misbegotten plan," Klaus recalled. "But I have no notion why you bring this up now."

"What did Mother say?" Elijah went on to ask.

"We did not get whipped because we stole the pies, but only because we lied," Klaus recounted. "Oh Elijah, really?"

"Aye, really. Now, I want you to go speak to Kol. He should not have hurt Marcel, yet he did end up saving the girl. I will leave it to you to decide the consequences for him," Elijah said. "I am going to see Freya and then cut a switch for your lying backside. We shall take care of it here in Finn's room. No one will hear from down here."

"Blast it," Klaus hissed. "But I suppose I owe to you to do as you asked. You know your forgiveness means...everything to me."

Elijah said, "I know." He kissed Klaus on the head and patted him.

"Now, go. Kol has school on the morrow," Elijah said. "Speak to him and then make haste back here."

"Very well," Klaus sighed. "You are not going to tell Freya, are you?"

"About your punishment? Yes, I feel like she has the right to know," Elijah said. "Remember, no more secrets. They breed division and we cannot have that in our family."

Klaus nodded and make his way up to the boys' bedroom.


Older Boys' Room

Klaus found Marcel and Kol already ready for bed when he came up.

"Ah, I see you two have not torn apart the room. That tis a start," Klaus said smiling.

Marcel smirked, "Kol did apologize and says he shall make it up to me. I just have to think of how."

Klaus sat near Marcel, "You are alright, my son?"

"Yes, Papa. I am fine," Marcel said. "Shall I leave you to talk privately? I would like to see Rebekah again before bed."

"Of course, thank you," Klaus replied, eyeing his brother. Kol looked nervous, but was trying not to. Typical Kol.

Marcel left.

"Where is Damon? I thought he would be sleeping by now," Klaus asked, looking at the empty bed.

"The boys begged him to them them a story. I think he is trying to spend more time with Stefan. I believe Miss Elena may be in there, too, with her brother," Kol said. "Nik, I am sorry. I should have waited for you."

Klaus waved him off. "Tis not that. I need to speak with you about something. The others know, well, not Rebekah yet. I will tell her on the morrow."

"What tis it? I assumed you were going to whip me raw tonight," Kol asked in confusion.

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