13. Mystic Mercantile Store, Part 2

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Pairing: Finn/Elijah-Klaus (M/MM) hand/spoon

"Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do." -Voltaire

Saturday, June 30, 1855

Mikaelson Guest House


The ride back to the house was quiet at first. There was so much Finn wanted to say, but he did not have the words. He also did not want the driver to hear.

In Old French, the language they spoke when they lived in the castle of the Count de Martel, Finn began to speak. "I am sorry, brothers. I know this is new for you. I hope you know I act out of love," Finn said quietly. "I just cannot allow you to behave so childishly and attack each other in public."

Elijah nodded, "We know that, and you are right, Finn, it is not easy. For over 800 years, Niklaus and I have been the parental figures to our siblings. It was not an easy role for us to take. But after a century of dealing with Kol and Rebekah's temper tantrums and bloody rampages, we felt we had no choice. And we acted out of love, and sometimes fear."

"Aye, the fear that Father was only steps behind us after Kol slaughtered a village or Rebekah got accused of witchcraft. It was then and only then, we began to discipline them. To our surprise, it worked and we had harmony for the most part. Then, I will admit, I grew restless. The wolf in me longs to break free of its bond," Klaus confessed. "It still does. I confess that I take this out on Elijah at times...though that is wrong."

"But is that possible? You still want to free your beast side?" Finn asked looking at Elijah in alarm. Finn wondered if Niklaus meant to be mortal again.

"I must, Brother. If the curse that binds my wolf nature is broken, I would be free again. But I would need a witch from Ayana's line, the moonstone that bound the curse, and a few other rare items," Klaus said casually.

"Does that still vex you so, Brother? That Mother suppressed your wolf side?" Finn wondered.

"It does. It is as if half of me is buried. Being a werewolf is like being a witch in that, we are connected to nature. A wolf longs for a pack and to run and hunt when the moon is full. I just feel the longing," Klaus said looking out the coach window.

Elijah put his hand on his arm. "We will break that curse someday, Niklaus. Have hope."

Finn looked at Elijah curiously, "You support this? Why? Would Niklaus be mortal?"

"No, he would still be a vampire, just free to turn into a wolf. I owe him, since to my shame, I held him down while Father chained him up that night so the witches could do the spell," Elijah said bitterly.

"We are almost home. I want the two of you to take the packages inside and then go wait for me in Niklaus' room. I shall tell the others that you are resting," Finn said still speaking in Old French.

"Yes, Brother," Elijah said obediently.

"And you might as well, remove your trousers and stand in the corner. The sooner you cooperate, the sooner this will be over," Finn said firmly.

Klaus opened his mouth to argue, but Elijah shook his head. "We expected this obedience from the younger ones, now it is our turn to obey. Finn was right. We were acting childishly in the store. Niklaus, no one can anger me like you can."

Klaus smiled wryly, "Well, then, we shall both pay for our tempers."

Finn took his bag into the kitchen and unloaded it. He left the strap in the bag and fished through the wood scrap box to see if there were anymore of Niklaus' carvings that could come in handy. He did not find anything new. Finn took the bag up to his and Elijah's bedroom and put the strap in the bureau and took out the large wooden spoon. He held it and tried to remember the spoon Ayana gave Mother. It had marks on the handle. But did Mother not have a smaller spoon before that? Had he not banged that spoon on pots with his big sister on the floor to make noise at play?

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