14. Dark Objects

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Pairing: Elijah/Kol-Marcel (M/MM) switch, hand
Damon/Stefan (m/m) 1x, off screen

Sunday, July 1, 1855

Mikaelson Guest House


Marcel was fiddling with his cravat and frowning. It was hot and they had too much to do to go to church services today. But Uncle Elijah said they had to "keep up the facade" that they were respectable humans.

Kol elbowed the younger vampire lightly, "Why the sad face, Marcellus? Did 'Papa" find out about you and Rebekah, ah, frolicking again these days?"

Marcel's face darkened in irritated, "No, but maybe he found out about you drinking from the townsfolk again?"

Kol's eyes flashed with the challenge, "Tell him. Aye, I shall get a good hiding, maybe even with that new strap Finn has, but so will my little Sister. You know, you do not like it when she gets her bottom thrashed."

"You would do that? To your own sister? You are despicable! Papa should have left the dagger in her for another century," Marcel hissed in anger.

Damon was putting on his trousers quietly in the corner. It may him apprehensive when the older boys argued. Damon gasped when Kol suddenly pushed Marcel several feet to the wall and pinned him there by his throat.

"You would have liked that, eh? More Papa for you and my sister...," Kol growled. Damon tugged at Kol's sleeve.

"Please, do not do this. You are both going to get in trouble. Stop, Kol, you are hurting him!" Damon pleaded in desperation.

Kol dropped Marcel and spat on the floor, "You are right, Damon. He is not worth it. Go on, Marcellus, go tell your Papa on me, I know you want to." Marcel straightened his jacket.

"Grow up, Kol. You still act like a child. No wonder you have to go to school. You have a lot to learn," Marcel retorted before he stalked out of the room.

Kol went as to go after him, but Damon touched his arm gently. "Please, Kol. I do not want to see you two fight. I cannot abide it. I do not understand it."

Kol realized his shirt was hanging open and started to button it, "I am sorry, lad. He gets on my last nerve. He acts like he is perfect in front of my brother, but then behind his back sneaks around with Rebekah. And he gets away with it."

Damon frowns, "But why cannot they be together?"

Kol smirked, "Rebekah has poor taste in suitors. Niklaus cannot bear to see her heart broken again. But in truth, I believe that he thinks the two of them will love each other more than him and leave. In this family, there is no leaving."

"Why? That is another thing I do not understand. Why must you all stay?" Damon said putting on his boots.

"My Father, Mikael, the vampire who hunts vampires, is hunting us still. If he finds us, we could be in grave danger. He wants to destroy Niklaus....and maybe all of us for being abominations, in his eyes. There have been times we split to throw him off our trail. I went to the East once, then Arabia. Elijah and Nik went to South America. Once, Rebekah lived in Eastern Europe for a time. Never longer than a few years or a decade, but being apart puts us in more danger," Kol said now fixing his hair in the mirror.

"How?" Damon asked quietly.

"There are some who would seek us to draw upon our power. Since we are Original vampires, we cannot die. Here, let me show you something," Kol said leading Damon to a small chest.

"Your locked box?" Damon said in awe.

"Aye, there is a good reason that I keep it locked," Kol confided. He kept the key around his neck and opened the chest.

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