49. The Arkansas Traveler

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Pairing: Klaus/Rebekah (M/f) hand

*Thank you to input from readers. Special thanks to Jazmine F. (ff.net)

And, when the rain came down on the cabin floor,
The squatter only fiddled all the more.
Why don't you mend your roof, said the traveler bold.
How can I mend my cabin when the rain is wet and cold?

-from The Arkansas Traveler (1847)

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Klaus' Study

Klaus read Rebekah's note again with an even face. She was slumped back in one of the guest chair as he sat behind his large desk.

"It says here that you had a quarrel with Kol and that you hurled a pen at him? Is this true?" Klaus said stiffly.

"Yes, Brother," Rebekah replied, glancing around at his framed paintings. One was of a field of flowers on a sunny day, if only Rebekah could be there now, she thought.

"Hayley said she hopes you and Kol made up. Did you do so?" Klaus asked, tossing the note on the desk.

"No, the boys were teaching Solomon an amusing song they heard on the way home. I did not have the chance," Rebekah answered, now staring at a sketch of a ship on the high seas. "I like that drawing. Is it charcoal?"

"Do not attempt to change the subject, young lady!" Klaus corrected, getting more agitated.

"I am nearly as old as you, hardly young," Rebekah snapped. "Where is Freya?"

"Your sister is with Halina and Ilayda working on some things," Klaus said. "I will take care of this."

"Of course you will," Rebekah said dryly. "Where is Elijah?"

"He is at the workshop with Dragomir. It seems Sammy and him are not well working together at the shop. Tom came over to complain about the younger boy. Rebekah, I have had a very full day and disciplining you is the last thing I wanted to do," Klaus noted, folding his hands. "I spoke to Marcellus again today about what happened yesterday. Tis not that I wish either of you to be unhappy, but we need the entire family focused on our survival right now."
Rebekah sneered, "Survival, of course. I am trying to survive the school day and tis not as simple as you may think. What tis going on here at home, though, Niklaus? Am I even to know that?"

Klaus stood up. "Nay, not now. We are making plans and we shall discuss it when they are finalized. I will say that Father seems to be off in the Spanish East Indies, according to Freya's spell...Or we have another living relative we were not aware of."

"I do not even know where that is, in truth," Rebekah admitted.

"See? That tis why you need school. Stand up. I have no further wish to admonish you so tell me why I am having to thrash you," Klaus said, rolling up his shirt sleeves. It was stuffy and humid in the study, even with the windows open. A human would have been sweating freely.

"I lost my temper and threw something at Kol because he was chatting to Damon about how I got punished last night!" Rebekah said fiercely.

Klaus paused, "Was he mocking you openly?"

"Nay, he was snickering to Damon, but he knows he can hear him. Damon was blameless, in truth. I threw that pen hoping to embed it in his foolish leg," Rebekah confessed. "I did not realize that the werewolf would see it. There is not much she misses in that school house. She has a strong arm, I will tell you that. I do not see why I even must have this 'discussion' with you!"

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