35. Twenty-four hours with you (2)

70 13 50

Another surprise?

I follow Erden, baffled of where he is going to. He has already made me so happy till now. And he has more in reserve. I've never thought he could do so much effort.

When we reach the end of the field of flowers, I'm in awe of the size of the aged trees standing proudly in front of us. "There is very little left." Erden informs on seeing my reaction. He then heads to the dim forest, which I copy, having no other choice. A rotting wooden odour is smelled as I cautiously proceed in, the brown fallen leaves rustling as we step on them. Other than the sound of the wind whistling around trunks, I hear a pounding sound of water from afar. Is that a river?

We trek further through the forest, the sound turning more loud till a blow of fresh air whips my skin. As I look in front of me, my eyes widen in wonderment.

A waterfall and a lake!

The waterfall is aquamarine-blue, just like Erden's eyes. Though it is a short but broad one, it's gushing over some dark rocks. The water is then flowing smoothly into the serenity-lake, which looks so clear that it makes me want to throw myself in it now itself. There is also a small wooden bridge across the lake, leading to an ait. The perfect place for the picnic. There is the pool enclosing the spot, a huge red flamboyant tree for shade and green grass on the ground.

"Oh my god, Erden!" I gasp in excitement. "This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen."

"A beautiful place with a beautiful girl." He chants huskily near my ear before his hand reaches for mine, dragging me slowly with him to cross the bridge. Just like in a dream, I go with the flow and don't feel an urge to leave his hand.

Once on the ait, Erden sets a mat on the grass under the tree and unpack the food he has brought. We sit down and begin eating the pizzas, which turned out to be edible. But most importantly, which are full of efforts. We also enjoy some pastries and refreshing juices, while having the most sarcastic conversations under hundreds of dazzling red leaves which are falling and breezing around us. Without forgetting the crystal-clear waterfall streaming near us.

Everything seems too perfect to be true. Twenty-four hours have not passed yet, but Erden has surpassed every moment I could have had dreamed with him. But the thought of him winning at what he was intending at, makes me shiver.

My thoughts are interrupted when Erden snaps his fingers in front of my face.


"I thought that bringing you here will make you forget all your worries." I find him studying my face, seeming a bit disappointed.

I fake out a smile. "I'm good, don't worry."

He observes me for a few seconds more before he stands up, tending me his hand. "Let's wash all your bad thoughts away."

"Wash?" I ask as I take his hand, and he lifts me up.

A cocky air sprouts on his face. "Don't tell me that you don't want to swim in this lake."

"You're not serious, right?" I puff, rolling my eyes. "You didn't tell me to bring any spare clothes."

"Obviously I wouldn't." He juts his chin up in pride. "It would have ruined the surprise."

Without I could whine at him, Erden quickly removes his clothes and begins to fold them. I try hard not to glance at the bulge in his black boxer as he is putting the folded outfit in his bag. When he finishes, his brows wiggle at me. "Your turn."

A skittish energy is running through me, both nervousness and excitation. That's how Erden makes me feel each time. No one has ever made me feel that way. I intake a breath of courage and pull down the straps of my overall. My thighs are squeezed together as I know Erden got his gaze plastered on me. With a lump in my throat, I slowly slide down the rest and let it fall down to my feet, exposing myself to him in my red matching bra and panties.

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