Chapter 43: It Takes A [S]trong Heart To Fight.

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This has been the journey so far...

The fight against the rampaging Machines kept on

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The fight against the rampaging Machines kept on... The Corpse held his ground and fought with his Android Companions by his side... Hoping an end to this violence is near.


A large Sphere Goliath Machine is seen, slowly crawling towards up the hill where the entrance to the Resistance Camp is... However three figures leaped towards the air as the Goliath Machine looked up to see you, 2B and 33B.

(y/n): Stay down!

You threw your giant Cleaver that belonged to the Goliath Machine, the Machine raised one of it's armor plaited legs and blocked the Cleaver before you grabbed your Cleaver and swung at the Machine after you landed right on its leg.

(y/n): I won't run away from you this time!

You swung once more before you quickly dodged to the side before the Machine could crush you with its other leg. You rolled on the wet, rocky ground before getting on your feet and took a stance as 2B and 33B called their Pods and began shooting bullets at the Machine.

(y/n): Tch... I will not be a coward again... I JUST WANT PEACE AND A WAY TO GET HOME AND YOU ARE IN MY WAY!!!

You clenched your left hand as black flames covers your fist, you reeled back and punched into the ground before a explosion underneath the Machine's legs exploded... But it resulted in you hurting your hand, black scorch mark all over your hand as you screamed in pain.

33B: (Y/N)!!!


You shouted and looked at 33B as she was hesitant to follow your order... But 2B shouted as she was rushing past 33B and towards the Machine.

2B: 33B!

33B looks at 2B before turning towards you, you pulled your hand out of the ground and took deep breath... You looked at 33B before giving her a nod... 33B just nods before rushing to help 2B with the Goliath... While you watched the two attack the Machine, you look at your scorched arm... You couldn't help but smile at how familiar this situation looks.

(y/n): Heh... Just like before... Except I'm not killing Giants... And this healing process shouldn't take too long this time.

You lift up your head and towards the Machine... With anger still within you, you grabbed the cleaver before tossing it towards the side of the Machine, seeing it penetrate through it's metal armor as you quickly rush to help 2B and 33B finish off the machine as both your arms were then ignited in black flames.


As you leaped over 2B and towards the Machine, you reeled back your fists to finish off the Goliath... However, the unexpected happened... The Machine screamed so loudly, it forced you, 2B and 33B to immediately cover your ears... You landed on the ground before immediately backing away from the Machine.


As you stood next to 33B, the Machine stopped screaming... You and the other two pulled your hands away front your ears as you stared at the Machine.

33B: Is it begging for mercy? Cause it won't get any from me!

Pod: Warning: Enemy Machines Detected.

33B's pod announced as you heard Metal clanking on rocky grounds... You and the Androids quickly turned around to see Aggressive Machines were making their way towards you. You, 2B and 33B turn towards them as 2B immediately made a guess.

2B: The Goliath Class must have called for reinforcement.

(y/n): Take care of the Goliath...

You took a few step towards the Machines with your arms ignited in Black Flames, you then spoke.

(y/n): I'll hold them off so you two ladies can finish the job.

You immediately rushed towards the Machines, ready for combat, 33B took a step forward and shouted.

33B: But-

2B: 33B.

33B turns towards her Comrade as 2B stated.

2B: He's given us an order. He can handle this.

2B quickly turns towards the Goliath and rush towards it as 33B just stood there, looking towards your direction before looking back towards 2B's direction... She looks down in frustration as she grips her hammer...

33B: Bitch!

She immediately follows 2B behind to eliminate the Machine while you take care of the Machines as everything then fades to black...

The title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title is covered in oil and faint laughter was heard.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now