Chapter 11: Home [S]weet Home.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Grim Reaper stumbles upon his lovely home

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The Grim Reaper stumbles upon his lovely home... But his project was nowhere to be found... The Peaceful Machine had visitors... And a warm welcome was given.



Pascal: Hmm? Oh my goodness, (y/n)!

Happy shouting was heard within the forest and a very familiar village as you wapked across a metal bridge before embracing a beautiful hug with the Leader of the Village and your savior, Pascal.

Pascal: You're back!

(y/n): Back in one piece... How long was I gone?

Pascal: Exactly four weeks. Any luck on the peace treaty?

Your eyes widen from the time being away from the village before replying.

(y/n): Four weeks, huh? Glad that nothing has changed... And as for the peace treaty... Unfortunately I got nothing.

Pascal: Oh... That is a shame.

(y/n): Nothing but violence, love... I'm sorry... I couldn't get what you wanted.

Pascal gently placed his mechanical hand on your cheek as he kindly spoke.

Pascal: You don't to keep sorry. What matters is that you're back and safe.

You couldn't help but smile and placed your hand over Pascal's and spoke.

(y/n): Thanks... You uh... Haven't happen to see two humans come by?

Pascal: Humans? Oh you mean those two Androids? Yea, they're looking around, I hope they see us as allies and not enemies.

You eyes widen from what Pascal had to share as you asked.

(y/n): Those two goths... Aren't humans? They are... Androids? Like the Resistance?

Pascal: Mm-Hmm.

(y/n): But they look so... Human... *Sigh* I don't know anymore, I think I've been in the desert for too long.

???: Oh hey! You actually came back.

You turned your head to the side and spotted both 9S and 2B as they approach you and Pascal as you took a step forward and in front of Pascal, protecting him as you spoke.

(y/n): So... What do you think of our lovely home? Feel like tearing it apart like you were going to with those people back at the pit?

Pascal: (y/n)!

9S: Oh boy, he's being moody again.

9S said, angering you as you take some steps towards 9S as he takes a step back before you lifted a finger and pointed at him and 2B.

(y/n): Listen here Nice-Ass and Booby!

9S: It's 9S and 2B.

(y/n): If you dare lay a finger on Pascal or anyone in this village. I. Will. Break you two to pieces!

Pascal: (y/n)! Please!

Pascal quickly ran in between you and 9S as he began to calm you down.

Pascal: Please, they only just arrived. We don't want them to think we're enemies. Please, it's clear that you haven't gotten any rest.

(y/n): Yea and I'm not exactly having the best days. I'll be in our lovely home and get some sleep. Call me if these two do something pathetic.

Pascal: I will, please get some sleep.

You glared at the two before turning your back and walked away as 9S and 2B watched... And Pascal lets out a sigh... Even if machines don't have lungs but you get Le'point.

[Timeskip (y/n) watering some beautiful white flowers as 2B watches from a higher ground.]

???: (y/n)... (y/n)... (y/n), wake up.

(y/n): Ugh... Hell... Huh?

You slowly opened your eyes to see two green lights hovering over you while a smile grows on your face.

(y/n): Hey Pascal... What up?

Pascal: Nothing, the Androids agreed to not harm the village.

(y/n): Really? Good. I was ready to turn their insides out.

Pascal: That would be unnecessary.

You gave a small chuckle before you sat up and Pascal stood right by you before asking.

Pascal: How are you feeling?

(y/n): Rested... Thankfully.

Pascal: That's wonderful news! I was kinda hoping you could do something for me.

(y/n): Anything. What's up?

You asked as Pascal before he took out a fuel filter as he gently passes it to you, holding the filter in your hand.

Pascal: I was hoping you could deliver that to Anemone in the resistance camp. You... Do know where it is, right?

(y/n): I only been there once... But I do know where it is. Yea, I can take this to this person you spoke.

Pascal: Oh... Right... You never met Anemone or anyone at that camp.

You let out a sigh before getting up from the bed, shirtless as you speak.

(y/n): That's because I refuses to talk to anyone but you, Pascal... But don't worry, I'll ask around about Anenome.

Pascal: Thank you. Oh and you'll be accompanied by 2B and 9S!




(y/n): WHAT?!?!?

And so... Everything fades to black as the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title rusted and silence fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now