Special Book Trailer

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The sound of a Piano key... Rings through the dark surroundings... A gorgeous piano is seen... Being played as a figure used their fingers to play the said piano... And their voice to sing...

???: Say something, I'm giving up on you...




???: I'll be the one... If you want me to...




Behind the Piano... Was a boy with clean (H/c) hair and (S/c) skin... His eyes were a glowing (E/c)...




(y/n): Anywhere I... Would have followed you...




(y/n): Say something, I'm giving up on you...




You continue to play the piano with a small smile on your face... You took a quick breath before continuing...

(y/n): I'm still learning to love... Just started to crawl...




As you kept playing the piano... Your surrounding slowly began to reveal... You... Were in the center of what appears to be a old, withered castle... Snow is easily seen around you... You kept playing... And as you were... The piano begans to decay... Your clothes began to tear... Your skin began to fall apart... And tears slowly roll down your cheeks...

(y/n): Say something... I'm giving up on you...




A second voice joins in... A gentle, female voice... As a small glowing orb floats behind you...

(y/n)/???: I'm so sorry that I couldn't get to you...




(y/n)/???: Anywhere I would have followed you...




Your back was then exposed... Next... Was your arms and torso... Your scars begins to appear on your body and arms... The chair you sat on was old and yet still standing... A large broken sword and shield leaned on the chair you sat on as you began to play the piano slowly...

(y/n)/???: Say something, I'm giving up on you...




Soon... The moon gave a beautiful light down in you... The piano was now a decayed instrument... Your skin torn and broken... Tears continued to escape... And you no longer hold that smile... And that gentle female voice... Was nowhere to be heard...

(y/n): S-Say something... I-I'm sorry I couldn't... Get to you in time...

And as silence takes over... You hid your face behind your hand... Sobbing then takes over the silence... And everything fades to black...




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