Chapter 27: Beauty Of The Ocean... Ruined By Machines.

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This has been the journey so far...

The four traveled beyond the sewers and found the light on the other side

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The four traveled beyond the sewers and found the light on the other side... They were greeted by a beautiful sight of water and skies... But the machine's interfered their sight seeing.


(y/n): Hehe... Still looks gorgeous no matter what.

33B: Me?

(y/n): N-No I was talking about the view here... But... You're gorgeous too, if that makes you feel better.

33B: I'll take your compliment.

Out of the sewer and into a new location, 2B, 9S and 33B stood beside you on an abandoned freeway that's now a bridge above the large body of water... Out in the distance was the flooded city, where the androids were needed as you smiled at it's beautiful view.

9S: I assume you come here a lot?

(y/n): To fish or swim. It's relaxing to hear the waves and feel the wind touch your skin. So... What are we doing here, again?

You asked, turning your head towards the Androids as 2B replied to your question before standing beside you.

2B: Command wants us to protect a Missile until Carrier Ships can arrive and scavenge the missile.

(y/n): Oh that? Yea its just across from here.

You said, pointing towards the side as the three turn to see the Missile they were ordered to protect.

9S: You didn't do anything with it, right?

(y/n): Nope, just left it there until something happens to it.

33B: Well it would be best if we hurry, I can see the Machines are trying to get to it before we do.

33B said as you looked to see multiple Machines on a abandoned building near the missile, 2B and 9S wastes no time, rushing towards to stop the machines as 33B grabs her hammer.

(y/n): Alright! Lets go rip these machines a new- Nngh!

Suddenly, before you could reach for your large sword, you suddenly dropped to your knee and clenched your chest with your right hand, 33B watched as she quickly gets to your side and kneels.

33B: Are you alright?

(y/n): Y-Yea... Just a little chest pain... Hehe, nothing to worry about.

You replied before getting back on your feet and turn to 33B with a smile before you began jogging to catch up with 2B and 9S... You turn your face away from 33B with the look of fear in your eyes... But you decided to try and ignore what happened... For now...

[Timeskip with (y/n) standing in a bathroom as he looks at himself in the mirror... Seeing his reflection... But half his face was missing... And fear was written all over his face... At least what's left.]

(y/n): Well... That wasn't so difficult.

After ridding the Machines, you walk towards one of the Large Machines and pulled your Large Sword out before placing it on your back and simply let out a sigh.

(y/n): So...

You then turn towards the Missile, just across the waters and onto another abandoned freeway as you question.

(y/n): How how long till that ship gets here?

9S: Well it's supposed to-

And just as 9S was answering, one of the Android's Pod received a call... Upon answering it, a voice began.

???: 2B, 9S, 33B. Come in.

2B: Commander.

Commander: Emergency Orders, incoming.

You turn your head towards the Pod, showing a video call of the Commander as she gave details.

Commander: The Carrier Ship that was sent to re-supply has come under attack. It's currently being engaged by a swarm of Machines. I've asked all YoRHa Troops for assistance, I'll need you three to provide back up as well. I'm sending you flight units and coordinates now. Good luck, out.

As soon as the call ended, you hear something coming from the skies, turning your head to see three large "Flight Units" land in front of the three Androids. 2B and 9S got on but 33B noticed that you'll be left behind. You simply nodded and spoke.

(y/n): Go on. I'll just slow you three down.

2B: We'll be back, just stay here.

(y/n): Like I got anything else to do.

You replied, taking a seat on a dead Machine as 33B stared for a moment before getting on the Flight Unit and took off with 2B and 9S, far away as you watch them fly off into the distance...

(y/n): Guess I'll wait here... And do nothing...




(y/n): Tch... Like I'll just sit here and let them have all the fun.

You said... Standing up and walk towards the edge of the freeway... You looked out into the watery distance before lifting your right arm in front of you.

(y/n): Best part about having Magic... Is that I can transform into anything I want~ Animal, Monster, Alien... And even a Machine~

As soon as you said this... Your arm began to take a form of a machine as your entire body began to change as well before everything fades to black...

And the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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