Chapter 8: Lonesome Road... A Secret So [H]orrible.

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This has been the journey so far...

After the Grim Reaper left 2B and 9S, he continue his mission to visit any large group of machine lifeforms and hopes they agree to make a peace treaty

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After the Grim Reaper left 2B and 9S, he continue his mission to visit any large group of machine lifeforms and hopes they agree to make a peace treaty... But after so long being alone... The Grin Reaper had something hidden away from everyone, including those he trusts.


(y/n): Awesome... My food isn't covered in sand. Glad this duffle bag is reliable.

You said to yourself, walking through a sewer system with an apple in your hand, it's been nearly a day since you ran away from those two strangers, 2B and 9S. You were thinking about them, the way they were dressed.

(y/n): Strange. How could they see through those blind folds? Guess I'll never know since I ran off.

You said to yourself before putting the whole apple into your mouth and chew it, swallowing it in the end as you came across a ladder. Looking upwards, you began climbing the said ladder while you held onto your duffle bag.

(y/n): Wonder if I'll ever finish that damn project.

You said to yourself, making it to the top and out of the sewers, being surrounded by massive trees you began to make your way around them.

(y/n): Now about those humanoid machines... Hmm... Clearly I never seen anything like it.

While you continue to walk around these massive trees, you hear fireworks in the distance, hearing this, you looked up in the sky to see fireworks in the sky before making your way out of the small woods and before you was a massive amusement park. Looking the entrance, you see Machines wondering around shooting balloons out of cannons and throwing confetti into the air as you sighed.

(y/n): Well... At least the amusement park is still lively.

You adjusted your bag on your shoulder before making your way inside the amusement park... This was the only place on earth to keep your mind clear... Sometimes. While you walk past through some crowds of dancing Machines, you see a massive building up ahead. The gates that leads to the building were closed, but that didn't stop you from climbing over as you make your way inside... And into your hidden spot.

[Timeskip (y/n) reading some old fashion magazines as he sat on a massive Machine]

(y/n): Hmm...

Silence and a bit of darkness was around you as you were underground, below the amusement park thanks to a elevator that was inside the massive building. Here, you were sitting on a table as there was piles of working televisions inside the room. Unfortunately there wasn't any use of them beside giving light as you were currently eating a cup of noodles... Luckily they're easy to find in the empty world.

(y/n): *Gulp* Ah... That's more like it. Hmm?

You looked over your shoulder to see a massive blanket, covering something behind it as you placed down your cup of noodles and walked right towards the blanket... You grabbed the blanket and pulled right off... Revealing something that you had hidden for a while.

(y/n): I... I need to get rid of this thing... B-but I don't want to...

You said with a shaky voice, looking at a project that you been working on as the project looked... Almost human as two long blue hair flow down in front of you, you gently hold the hair as it was soft... You looked up and looked at the project... It had a human head, twin tail blue hair, human torso, human waist... However... You have gotten a bit too... Side tracked that you didn't gave it a lower jaw, instead you installed multiple long pincers, two long mechanical claws and two horrifying mechanical legs... It barley looks human... You found these human like parts from this world's abandoned studio, the parts looks Human but they belong to some android that sings...

(y/n): I don't want to get rid of this no matter how f*cked this is... But I don't want to be alone anymore... I know I have Pascal but that's not even enough... I have to finish this thing so I don't have to be alone anymore...

You looked back up towards the unfinished project, seeing HER closed eye lids as you let out a sigh and looked around.

(y/n): Where are my tools, I HAVE to finish this. Hmm?

Suddenly you hear the sound of a roller coaster outside with some gunfire, you blinked your eyes as you looked at the ceiling and asked.

(y/n): The hell's that?

You quickly cover up the project with the blanket from before as you grabbed your cup of noodles and made your way out as you spoke.

(y/n): I-I'll be back, love... I'll come back and finish you up.

With that said... You began running out the room and towards the elevator... Leaving the covered project in the room... However... When you were no longer in the room... A red glowing light shines behind the blanket as it begins to move... Then everything fades to black...

And the title "Neir Automata" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now