Chapter 19: The Corpse's [M]istake...

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So what do you guys think about 33B? I do apologize if I end up adding random characters into stories, I have a bad habit of doing that when it comes to Video Game X Reader stories.

This has been the journey so far...

After 2B and 9S left the Grim Reaper on earth with 33B, the village of machine were visited by their friendly Corpse

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After 2B and 9S left the Grim Reaper on earth with 33B, the village of machine were visited by their friendly Corpse... An apology was made... And forgiveness was given.


(y/n): I-I'm sorry, Pascal... I promise not to keep anymore secrets from you.

Pascal: You... Created an Android.

(y/n): T-To be honest, Pascal... I don't know what I made... But it's out there... Alive...

Back at the village... You were kneeling down before Pascal with a sorry look on your face after keeping that creation of your a secret for so long... However Padcal couldn't be mad at you as she kindly placed his hand on your head and spoke.

Pascal: It's alright. At least no one got hurt.

(y/n): Well... The group of Androids  known as YoRHa lost a few of their Androids from my mistake...

Pascal: Oh...

Pascal could only reply as Android 33B stand by, with her hammer behind her and Pod floating by. You lifted your head to see Pascal thinking as silence took over... Minutes passed as the silence soon broke by a familiar voice.

???: Hey, (y/n)! 33B!

You and the Android looked over your shoulders to see 2B and 9S, walking towards Pascal as you lifted yourself off the ground and turn towards them.

(y/n): Did you...

2B: Don't worry, we didn't tell the Commander about the monster.

You sighed in relief as 2B continued speaking, turning her attention towards Pascal.

2B: Pascal, I have a question.

Pascal: Yes, 2B?

2B: Besides the village, are there other Machines disconnected from the Network?

Pascal: Hmm... Well, there is the Forest Kingdom.

9S: The Forest Kingdom?

(y/n): Yes, it's the one right through the Mall, right?

You asked, turning towards Pascal as he nods.

Pascal: Yes! However the Machines over there have been really aggressive towards newcomers.

9S: Well this Forest Kingdom sounds like something we should check.

2B nods before she turns to you and asked.

2B: Would you like to come with us?

(y/n): Sure... I'll go get ready.

[Timeskip with (y/n) dragging a huge box of noodles and chips as 33B insisted to help him carry it from the mall.]

9S: So this "Mall" is the same thing as a shopping center?

(y/n): Correct, Humans visit these places to acquire new clothes and other accessories. It even has a place for purchasing food.

9S: I see, we only have Intel about "Shopping Centers".

(y/n): Ah...

Outside the Village and outside the gates, you, 9S, 2B and 33B were on a long bridge that is seen outside of the Ruins that leads to the Mall. You carefully walked across the said bridge or else it's going to be a nasty fall.

9S: Say, 2B! When we finish this whole thing, maybe we should go "Shopping".

2B: More useless conversations.

(y/n): Ooh! That doesn't sound like a bad idea! What do you think, 33B?

33B: I don't know. Sounds interesting.

(y/n): Hehehe!

Soon, you and the gang got across and stood in front of the Mall's front door, without any doors that is as you walked inside, seeing grass and other plant life taking over the mall, but it was still beautiful nonetheless as you smiled.

(y/n): Ahh... Still love this Mall. The food can still be cooked! The clothes are wonderful and I made sure no bad Machines were around to mess this place up.

2B: Lets not waste time. Do you know where to the way to the Forest is?

(y/n): Oh right! Of course! No time for shopping!

You then turn towards 9S and 33B and whispered with this face.

You then turn towards 9S and 33B and whispered with this face

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(y/n): That's for later. Ahem!

You the stared jogging towards a direction as you looked over your shoulder and spoke.

(y/n): This way, just through this gate. Hopefully I left it open this time.

And with that said, the three Androids followed behind before everything fades to black as the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title is untouched and gentle silence fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now