Chapter 26: The [F]looded City...

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This has been the journey so far...

The YoRHa Androids and the Grim Reaper has settled in the Camp

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The YoRHa Androids and the Grim Reaper has settled in the Camp... The three androids spoke with the leader and a request was asked... And the Grim Reaper wanted in.


Anemone: 2B, 9S, 33B. Your timing couldn't be more better! I need your help.

2B: Alright.

The Resistance Camp, where 2B, 9S and 33B were ordered to be at as Anemone asked for their help... While Anemone spoke, 33B kept her eyes on you, standing in the opening of you camp, just standing there in silence as you waited for the three to return... You were near the entrance of the Camp as Anemone's voice spoke.

Anemone: 33B?

33B: Yes?

Anemone: Are you listening?

33B: I'll ask about the mission details later. Right now, my top priority is to keep the boy safe.

Anemone: The boy? You mean you found a human?

9S: Oh no, she's referring to (y/n) over there.

9S answered Anemone's question as he points towards your direction, standing there still with your arms crossed...

Anemone: Oh I see. Has he been cooperating lately?

9S: He has. He's not avoiding us anymore.

Anemone: Really? Well that's an improvement, no matter how many times we tried to offer him shelter, he just leaves us in silence.

2B: Is there a reason why?

2B asked, looking at Anemone as she sadly shook her head and replied.

Anemone: We don't have a clue why. However he would spout names that we have no information of... And apparently he has a kid.

9S: A kid? You mean...?

Anemone: A Son. And from what I remember, he lost them to someone or something... I don't know much but if you could get him to leave his shell, maybe he'll tell you what happened and why he's acting so weird.

9S: Hmm...

9S turns to your direction while you were playing with the stolen blade you took from A2... 9S turns to Anemone and nodded.

9S: We'll see what we can do, maybe then he'll be willing to cooperate with the resistance.

Anemone: We'd appreciate it.

Meanwhile, you remained waiting for the Androids to return as you noticed a few eyes were on you, turning your head to see a few of resistance member looking at your direction.

(y/n): Tch... Filthy pile of junks.

???: Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.

You turn your head back to see 9S, 2B and 33B now walking towards the entrance of the camp where you're at as you asked.

(y/n): So, what now?

9S: We're going to the flooded city, know where that is?

You begin to scratch your cheeks before replying to 9S.

(y/n): I used to, but no thanks to that goliath's explosion, the way to the flooded city is blocked off completely, we'll have to find a new way towards the city.

Then, from out of no where, 33B grabs your hand and spoke gently.

33B: Then we'll have to start somewhere in the large pit.

And so, 33B begins to lead the way towards the pit while you followed behind, not minding her holding her hand anymore as 9S and 2B watched before following.

[Timeskip with 2B following (y/n) around the ruins as he tries to find some peace and quiet alone... Only to fail to lose 2B...]

(y/n): One... Two... Three!

Suddenly, some large rocks came tumbling down the pit as you and 2B stood over the edge and you began.

(y/n): Huh... That wasn't so difficult than I thought.

9S: So this is the way?

You and 2B turn towards 9S, standing next to an opened sewer pipe, large enough for the four of you to get inside.

(y/n): Yea, this should be the one that leads to the flooded city. Great place to fish if I'm honest.

2B: We're not there to fish, however.

(y/n): I know, just thought I'd suggest something to do if you three are feeling bored.

You then began walking into the sewer with your huge blade on your shoulder before speaking.

(y/n): Well, lets get going I suppose...

And with that said, the three androids began to follow you behind into the sewers before everything fades to black...

And the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now