Chapter 28: Always A Bigger Fish In The Sea...

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This has been the journey so far...

The Living Corpse was left behind after reports of an attack on the Carrier Ship

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The Living Corpse was left behind after reports of an attack on the Carrier Ship... But YoRHa was going to need more help... And a large body of water wasn't going to stop the Grim Reaper...


33B: 33B Reporting. All Aerial Targets have been eliminated. Regrouping with the other YoRHa Tr-

9S: Wait! I'm still picking up a large Machine Signal!

2B: Didn't I just kill that thing?

Out, far into the Ocean... A large Carrier Ship is seen, in the clear after 2B and the rest of YoRHa Troops eliminated the Machine Threats... However a large signal was still in their presence.

9S: If it's that big.... Then shouldn't we be able to see it by now?

9S questioned as he, 2B and 33B looked around for anything out of the ordinary... But everything was fine until the Carrier Ship was suddenly lifted up in the air by a Giant Machine, larger than a Goliath... The three watched the Carrier breaks in half from the Machine's large jaw... Destroying the Ship entirely.

9S: That thing is freaking huge!

Alucard: Hehehe, Gigity~

9S: Uh... Who are you?

Alucard: Oh sorry! Wrong show.



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Soon the giant Machine just floats in the water after destroying and possibly killing every Android that was in that ship... However... Before anyone could act, two massive claws burst out from the water and grabbed the Machine by one of the eyes, pulling it back into the waters.

2B: What was that?!

9S: 2B, I'm reading another large Machine signal!

Soon there was silence in the air before the giant machine bursts from the water... With a massive scratch on one of its eyes as it stood taller than what the Androids may have thought it would be...

 With a massive scratch on one of its eyes as it stood taller than what the Androids may have thought it would be

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9S: I take back what I said... Now THAT is huge! Huh?

Suddenly, just below 9S, something was seen deep within the waters... Glowing red eyes as it soon merger from the water and stood with great height, almost as tall as the Machine, pretty much half its height...

2B: What now?!

Seconds later, as the water soon came back down... The Androids were presented by another large Machine... But this one... Was different from the other...

 Was different from the other

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9S: What the hell is that?!

???: Oh good! I made it just in time.

2B, 33B And 9S turned around to see Pascal, hovering in the air behind them.

2B: Pascal? What are you doing here?

Pascal: I can all this way to warn you about the two machines, starting with the scary looking one.

33B: Is it dangerous?

Pascal: No, I just wanted you all to know that the scary looking robot is (y/n).

The three weren't expecting to hear this from Pascal before the three turn towards the scary metal beast.

9S: That thing... Is (y/n)?!

You stood there in your metal monster form before letting out a loud roar as the Goliath Class Machine did the same... You and the Machine stared for a few seconds before you let out one more roar and began charging towards it, the Machine responded by swinging one of its long arms which you simply avoided and pounced onto the Machine's shoulders and began clawing its head. 9S watched before contacting Command.

9S: This is 9S to Command!

Command: This is Command, what is it, 9S?

9S: Request to inform all available Troops to not attack the small Machine!

Command: And why is that?

9S: That's... How do I put this... It's (y/n)?

Command: What...?

[Timeskip with (y/n) trying to swim after a long... Only to forget how as he slowly sinks into the bottom of a lake as 2B, 9S and 33B desperately tries to search for him.]

A battle on the ocean and away from land continued as YoRHa Troops continue to fire bullets and Missiles at the massive Machine while you were clawing away at the legs.

33B: There's got to be a way to put that thing down!

While 33B, 2B and 9S kept spraying bullets... You had just enough of this as you quickly ran around the Machine and began climbing its back.

(y/n)'s Mind: This is taking too long! I can't hold onto this form for long!

Soon you were on the shoulders of you Machine as you reached your claw out and grabbed the Machine's face and pulled it back, seeing its open jaw.

9S: What is he doing?

You then reeled back your head as Black Smoke began to come out of your metal jaws before blasting a Black Beam into the Machine's open jaw... The Machine began to static before giving off a bright white light began to blind everyone.




And then... Everything fades to black as the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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