Chapter 10: The Lady Sings Us A Final [S]ong.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Grim Reaper showed hatred, his actions brought down his foes and walked away victorious! But his creation was more important to him than to say hello to those around him

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The Grim Reaper showed hatred, his actions brought down his foes and walked away victorious! But his creation was more important to him than to say hello to those around him.


The sound of metal dragging across the floor was heard within the theater room as the Opera Machine was heavily damaged as her head was low from your brutal hits.

(y/n): Now then... Sing me one last song.

You lifted up the Machine's head as she twitches from the damage she has and began.

Opera Machine: Beautiful... I must become... BEAU-

You ended her words with a punch through the head... Killing the Machine in the process as small images flashes in your mind before silence fills the room... Now the Machine lays on the ground motionless as 2B and 9S walked up and looked down.

9S: I didn't think humans were capable of doing this.

(y/n): Well... Sorry to pop your train of thoughts but I'm no human.

You said, turning around and walked away as 9S and 2B turns and the boy spoke.

9S: Not human? Then you must be from YorHa! Your fighting skills are Yorha material if you're not human.

(y/n): I'm from no one... Not a group or whatever place you're from. I'm just... Someone who wants to live in peace with someone.

Then 2B walked up and spoke.

2B: Then come with us. We'll take you somewhere safe, in the Bunker with the other humans.

You stopped before turning towards the two and asked.

(y/n): Other Humans?

2B: Yes, Humans are kept under YorHa's safety at the Bunker on the moon. If you come with us, you don't have to be alone.

(y/n): I would love that... But i have work to do here... You... You wouldn't mind if I get that done before sending me to this "Bunker?"

Both 2B and 9S looked at each as 9S smiles before nodding and the two turns to you.

9S: Well you proved yourself that you could take care of yourself so yea, as long as you stay alive.

For the first time ever... You smiled and nodded.

(y/n): Thank you...

[Timeskip with 2B giving (y/n) a book she found in the ruin as (y/n) hesitated for a second before accepting the small gift.]

(y/n): I have so many questions... But I'll ask them when we settle somewhere we can take a breather.

2B: We'll answer as many questions you may have.

You smiled softly and nodded to 2B's words as you, 2B and 9S walked out of the Theater and on the bridge towards the carnival.

9S: So... If you're not an Android like us or a Human, then what are you?

(y/n): Android? Hmm.... I'll tell you when I can truly trust you two... It's complicated to explain.

9S: Oh, ok. Huh? Hostile!

Both 9S and 2B unsheathed their katanas as you quickly looked forward to see a familiar friendly flying Machine, holding a white flag as your eyes widens before stepping in front of the two.

(y/n): Wait! He isn't an enemy!

9S/2B: Eh?

Machine: I am not hostile. You saved us. We repay you. Come to our village.

The machine said before 9S and 2B felt uneasy about this machine.

9S: Hmm... This could be a trap.

(y/n): No no no! I know this village! The Machines there are one hundred percent harmless and friendly! Trust me.

Both 9S and 2B looked at you in confusion... First you were aggressive and angry all the time but now you're happy and cheery.

9S: You seem... Cheerful all of a sudden. You sure this is a good idea?

(y/n): Totally! You'll meet someone who is VERY nice! Wait... Ah sh*t!

You said before running past 2B and 9S towards the Theater as 9S asked.

9S: H-Hey! Where are you going?

(y/n): Uhhh I got to check on something! Just follow the little guy and you'll be in the village! I promise I'll come back!

You then ran towards the Theater, leaving 9S and 2B with the machine as time went by... You quickly turned right into a hall right before the stairs in the Theater. As you made it to the elevator... The elevator door was forced open as claw marks are seen... You looked down the elevator tunnel with a concerned look as you dropped down and into your hiding spot...

(y/n): Oh no...

And before you... The entire place was trashed... Scratch marks are everywhere... You were shocked to see this as you turn your head towards the corner... And your "Project" was nowhere to be found as the cover you placed on it was torn to pieces as you placed your hands on your head...

(y/n): F*ck... F*ck...

And finally... You fell on your knees as everything fades to black...

(y/n): F****CK!!!

And the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title was rusted and silence fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now