Chapter 39: [F]ear Has No Ally...

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This has been the journey so far...

This has been the journey so far

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The Corpse has been cornered... His only option now... Is to fight against the Goliath Machine... He may not have the strength to fight alone... But with another Android... His victory may be claimed.


Beneath the Factory... Within a tower... And above the lava that keeps the factory alive... You stood before a Multi Legged Goliath Machine with sharp cleavers, ready to clean your head off... You grit your teeth as you walk in circles, waiting for an opportunity to attack as your arms are covered in electricity...

(y/n): I don't want to die... So I'm not going to be pushed up against a Corner by you Savage walking Metals!

You shouted as if the Machine would talk back... But all it did was follow your movement with its single eye... You clenched your fists before rushing towards the Machine... The Goliath readied its Cleavers and with a powerful speed, the cleaver was swung, you barely had time to react as you lift up your arms and blocked it... The Cleaver managed to cut deep into your skin but not your bones...

(y/n): Sh****t!

You pushed back the Cleaver, quickly spun before delivering a side kick to the Machine, it barely did much but it was something at least. You took a step back as blood runs down your arm, your wounds were wide open as your bones can easily be seen.

(y/n): Ah f*ck!... How am I supposed to defend myself against this thing?! Eh?

You raised your head and spotted the Machine starting chopping away, making the Platform that you're standing on shake as you lose balance... As you fall on your back, you see the Machine was right in front of you, raising its Cleavers over you as you raised your fists to block it...

???: (y/n)!

Suddenly a Android with White Long Pony Tail swooped in and grabbed your hand, dragged you out of the way from the cleaver coming down... As you and the Android rolled on the ground, a second Android landed behind you, you opened your eyes and looked up.

(y/n): 2B! 33B!

You quickly got on your feet, 33B was the first to act as she stood up and looked at your direction.

33B: Are you ok?

(y/n): I'm... I'm fine... Just an open wound...

2B: We'll have to finish this first. The enemy is ready to attack again!

2B said as she holds her Katana in hand while 33B Holds her Hammer... You turn towards the Machine... Clearly it's not even close to being damage by one hit...

(y/n): Please help me... I... I want to go home...

33B: Then fight back, I'm right behind you.

[Timeskip with 33B carrying (y/n) in her arms, making him slightly blush as he avoids eye contact.]

Some time has passed... Metal clashing against metal is heard on the Platform as you, 2B and WaifuB had no choice but to dodge every attack it throws... Luckily there is three of you and one of it...

(y/n): LEAVE US ALONE!!!

You shouted, running towards the machine as Electricity courses towards your head, you deliver a powerful head butt to its eye as a powerful electric explosion was caused. The Machine begins to crawl back from the impact, slowly making its way towards the edge. Your eyes widens...

(y/n): Cut the arm! Cut the arm!

33B: Why?

2B: I got it!

2B runs passed 33B, gripping her Katana as she slices off the Machine's Cleavers before it fell over the edge and onto the Lava... Unfortunately one cleaver lands on the platform while the other fell down with its owner... The battle is now over... You sighed in relief and smiled happily as you make your way towards the single cleaver.

2B: I'm sorry, I was only able to get one.

(y/n): It's fine, 2B. One is enough, thanks. You did great.

You replied, picking up the Cleaver as you turn to 2B as she gestures her YorHa Salute.

2B: Thank you for your Praise.

(y/n): Hehehe, you don't have to be so formal.

As you chuckled, 33B couldn't help but feel jealous... But thankfully you shared your kind words to her as well after you turn towards her.

(y/n): And thank you, for saving me, 33B.

33B: O-Oh... Of course!

She immediately Salutes, you couldn't help but chuckle... But that smile... Soon fades as you make a request...

(y/n): C-Can... Can we please leave?

2B/33B: affirmative!

And with that said... Everything fades to black as the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title is untouched and silence... Fills the air.

Nier Automata: Become As [H]uman [Nier Automata X Male Reaper Reader]Where stories live. Discover now