Chapter 17: We Meet Again... [B]ut Horror Hide Beneath us.

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This has been the journey so far...

The Androids known as 2B and 9S have entered the underground to seek out the Aliens who are behind the destruction of earth

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The Androids known as 2B and 9S have entered the underground to seek out the Aliens who are behind the destruction of earth... However many familiar faces were revealed from the dark... But one... Was about to reveal themselves to their creator.


2B: Are they... Dead?

Deep underground where 2B, 9S and a few allied Androids are inside discovered the Alien's hideout... A large room with alien technology as the Aliens were indeed found... But they were lifeless.

9S: 2B! Look at this!

2B turns around to see 9S standing beside a larvae glass, pointing at what's on the other side.

2B: Destroyed motherships...

2B began as she took a step close towards the glass as well as the other Androids... However their view had to be interrupted.

???: Welcome.

Every Android including 2B and 9S turned around with their weapons in hand to see the two Machine 2B and 9S met before.

Every Android including 2B and 9S turned around with their weapons in hand to see the two Machine 2B and 9S met before

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???: To the graveyard of our creators.

9S: You again!

The Machine with the long hair only smiled in reply, however the kind introduction was interrupted when a dark figure leaped into the air before the two Machine moved as the dark figure crashed into the ground knee first.

9S: Eh?! (y/n)?!

You slowly stood up and turn towards the Machine with short hair as another figure landed right behind you, it was 33B with a ROCKET POWERED HAMMER!!!... Ahem sorry.

2B: What are you doing here? You're injured aren't you?

You then turn your head towards 2B and smiled before lifting your right arm with the bandage still wrapped around it as you flexed.

(y/n): Told you my healing would start kicking in!

???: Wonderful for you to join us, we were hoping we'd see you again.

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