Chapter 24: A [T]raitor In The Kingdom!

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This has been the journey so far...

A mysterious foe appeared, a traitor of YoRHa

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A mysterious foe appeared, a traitor of YoRHa... Her actions was enough to anger the Corspe and was challenged to the death... But unfortunately their fight didn't last long.


A call was heard... And a Pod answered the said call...

Command: 2B, 9S, 33B. We've received a signal from a black box of a fugitive Android known as A2.

9S: Right...

Command: She is your target, kill her or she will kill you.

9S: I... I don't think she's our problem at the moment.

Command: Explain.

9S turns to his Pod before pointing to the side as the Pod turns and broadcasts a fight between you and the fugitive, A2.

Command: So this human can equally match an Android. Interesting.

The Commander in the Bunker said, watching with full curiosity as you and A2 clashed weapons, you had the strength advantage but A2 had the speed. You managed to push A2 back before swinging your spear a full three-hundred sixty degree but A2 leaned backwards, dodging the attack before she kicked you in the chest.

(y/n): YOU B*TCH!!!

You grabbed the very end of your metal spear before reeling it back and slammed it onto A2, but unfortunately she got around and behind you, wielding a massive sword but she was too slow to swing it, you managed to kick the sword away from you as you began thrusting the spear while A2 takes steps back from your attacks.

(y/n): Quit moving and DIE!!!

You reeled back your spear one last time, tricking A2 into raising her sword to block but you then threw your arm over and grabbed A2 by the head before raising her and tossing her behind you, landing right where the crib is after A2 murdered the baby machine... A2 then stands with a chill poster and expression.

A2: You scream too much.

You gritted your teeth before taking your stance as you shouted.

(y/n): F*ck you!

Audience: Ooohhhhh Lemon Time?!?



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(y/n): F*ck you!

9S: Wait!

9S interferes the fight, standing in front of you as he questions A2's actions while 2B and 33B stood beside you.

9S: Why? Why did you betray YoRHa?

The Android with long white hair was silent, almost as if she was offended by the question before she answered.

A2: Command is the one who betrayed you.

A2 then leaves by jumping through the open window as you immediately followed.

(y/n): Get back here you bastard!

9S: (y/n) wait!

[Timeskip with (y/n) carrying an injured 9S on his back while two or perhaps three or maybe FOUR individuals watched with different levels of jealousy.]

(y/n): Ooooow.... I forgot that gravity is an idiot.... B-Baka...

After you attempted to chase the Android Traitor... Immediately now regret your decision after falling and hitting the ground with full pain going through your whole body... Landing in the front of the entrance of the castle as you rolled onto your back...

(y/n): Ugh... Hmm?

In the sky, you see something coming downwards as you blinked your eyes before realizing what it was... You tried to panic... But your vision faded to black as your voice was unable to escape your lips...




33B: Where did (y/n), go?

33B asked before feeling a spank or two as she looked down... She accidentally landed right on top of your head as you struggle to breath.

(y/n): *Muffles* PLEASE GET OFF OF ME!!!

33B: Oh, my apologize, (y/n).

33B said, taking her sweet time to get off you before she helped you on your feet before 9S and 2B landed in front of the two of you.

33B: Are you alright?

(y/n): Beside the fact your rear end landed on my head? Yes... Yes I am ok.

2B: She's gone.

You lifted your head... Seeing A2 is nowhere to be found as you gritted your teeth in anger.

(y/n): Damn that b*tch...

Suddenly... A horrifying familiar screech was heard... Coming from the castle as the four of you turned towards the open entrance as the screech echoes...

(y/n): Well then... Guess that monster now owns the castle...

9S: We should get away from here before that thing finds us.

33B: Affirmative. Lets go, (y/n).

(y/n): Yea, su-

Before you could reply... 33B grabbed your hand and drags you away from the castle... You wanted to struggle... But you gave in before following 33B away from the castle and the forest with 2B and 9S following behind... You sighed before feeling the warm, gentle touch of 33B's hand as you starred at her hand for a second... You began to slightly blush before looking away and scratch your cheek...

(y/n)'s Mind: Great... Now I'm feeling hot for holding hands with an Android... What's wrong with me?

Soon... Everything fades to black after you and the others left the castle as the title "Nier Automata" appeared as the title was untouched and silence fills the air.

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