Zander Storm , You Flirt.

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Private jet above ⬆️

Kai's POV

An inconsiderate knocking came at the door 5 am in the morning . I stepped out of bed instantly missing the soft plushy comfort .

Who would be even be knocking at this hour ? Zander didn't wake until at least 7 . The most plausible explanation was a thief or Mrs.Storm . Why would a thief knock ? it made no sense and I am sure Zander's mother was in Bel Air.

Seemingly getting tired of just knocking the voice start to call out my Kai . The voice sound annoyed by me as usual . Opening the Zander was standing outside the door .

" Yes?" I answered , remembering I was living in his house I retired a snarky comment about him knocking .

" Get ready we're leaving for Bel Air in an hour." He said walking off .

I had a feeling Zander was trying to make my hell . Why didn't he tell me this earlier? Shaking my head . I started taking out outfits approved by Mrs.Storm stuffing them in an empty suitcase.

Satisfied with my impop packing I when to get to get a shower.

Letting the water rid my sleep. After finishing up my morning routine , I when to search for something comfortable to fly in .

Oversized sweater and jeans later I was ready . Effortlessly taking ny suitcase to the kitchen . I saw Zander abusing the poor coffee maker . Either that or he was inventing a new way to use the make coffee.

I cleared my throat . Trying my best to save the poor coffee maker from Zander's lack of coffee maker expertise.

" Do you have something to say ?" Zander asked . I hadn't notice when he had tire bed to face . My throat dryer up at that . My goal to stay clear of Zander was failing with flying colors. Both of us are living under the same roof . I practically cook for him . In the past few days of moving in . I had become a maid/cook instead of fiancé. Not that I wanted to be a fiancé .

Should I tell him that he doing it wrong . Zander seemed like the type of who didn't like to be told that they are doing something wrong .

Bracing against the kitchen counter for some extra backbone . I formed the words to tell Zander "You're doing it wrong" .

" I know how to work a coffee maker ." No he didn't. I had no idea if Zander was trying to convince himself or me .

Deciding it's best to leave him to his ego . I grabbed orange juice from the fridge . Watching as Zander failed miserably at making coffee. He had no clue that he had to add a filter before adding the coffee grounds.

I sipped orange juice silently, pretending not to be watching Zander fail miserably at making coffee. He was going to break the coffee maker.

Zander threw if hand up into the air , finally admitting defeat against a coffee maker of all things . Waiting for him to step out of the kitchen . I cleaned up his mess.

Grabbing a filter paper and adding grounded coffee into coffee maker . I waited until I had a fresh pot of coffee .

Zander came back minutes later , giving me the his usual evil eye . " We have to go" He said before leaving the kitchen .

Pouring the coffee in a Starbucks thermos , I grabbed my suitcase and headed out.

Pinching the pin to close the door to house . I hurried to parking lot before Zander could find a reason to scold me on the way to the airport.


I can't think of the last time I took a trip out of anywhere.

I have always wanted to travel to Iceland after college . The fact I was going to have a whole husband is probably going to alter the plans I had made for my future.

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