Chapter 2

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Darryl's POV

Darryl woke up bit refreshed than before. God what time is it? He looked over at the alarm clock. *9:14p.m.* eh almost dinner time. I'll have to make it by myself anyway, better just order something instead.

Darryl was hungry and not quite in the mood of cooking he ordered some sushi. The order arrived fairly quick. He put the sushi down on the table and put on netflix on his laptop.

After he was done he threw the bags into the trashcan and plopped back on his bed. He alway studied at this time but not today. Darryl looked over at his side at the his books who were lying on the table eh maybe some other day. He thought prepping himself to sleep again. Sorry to my books but I'm too tired for this right now.

Darryl turned the light off the room getting covered in darkness and he closed his eyes as the dream world of his mind took the place of the real world.

>>>ThE nExT mOrNiNg<<<
Darryl's POV (yes still -_-")

Darryl woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock. He looked over to the clock *6:30a.m.* why so early? He thought Oh yea the bike riding to collage Darryl chuckled at his own memory and got out of the bed

Darryl brushed his teeth and took a quick shower. Darryl put on some "fancier" clothes than usual. He put on a light grey t-shirt with a black unbuttoned shirt on top with a pair of ripped blue jeans. Darryl blow dried his hair. He put on his glasses as something familiar caught his sight. My connects... He picked them up Let's try this for once i guess! Darryl took of his glasses and put on the connect lenses. He put on his watch. It read *7:03 a.m.*

"That was quick.." He said. Darryl looked at the mirror one last time and ruffling his hair and chuckling at how different he looked than usual.

Darryl headed towards the kitchen grabbing the cereals and milk and putting together some of it for breakfast. He soon finished his breakfast and headed back to the room , throwing the stethoscope over his neck and tossed the bag on his shoulders. (Reading this again after a few months and i almost forgot he's a medical student o.O) He quickly rushed towards the the door putting on a pair of white shoes. Darryl grabbed the bike's keys and locked the apartment.

Darryl got his bike out and reached the place where they all agreed to meet up before heading to collage.

"Ooooooh. Damn you look so different today"

"Yea.. i thought I'll wear something different today."

"I know right. He lookin hot today."

"Wha- okay..."

"EXACTLY!! Like i can't even describe how good you look without your nerdy glasses."

"Watch him get all the bitches at the collage today."

"Hey! Language!!"

"Oop- we forgot he's still the same old Darryl."

"Alright let's go then we don't wanna be late."

"Yeah.. we better hurry up"

They drove for about 15 minutes before Darryl made a stop by the library.

"Hey, can you guys just wait here for a bit i gotta grab a book. Be right back."

"Sure! Make it quick!"

Darryl headed into the library and found the book he was looking for. He was just going to the librarian when he bumped into someone-

•554 words•
A/n: looking back to this really makes me realise how much my writing has improved.
You're loved and appreciated dear reader and i love you!! Stay hydrated people <3

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