Chapter 3

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Zak's POV (yes finally)

It was a normal day in the life of a first year engineering student Zak(that's gonna be me someday). He wasn't too much interested in engeneering but that was the most interest he had in something when it comes to studying. He was picking out the books he needed from the library in the early morning. He stacked up a bunch of books and started carrying them to the librarian.

He had a lot of books in his hands that he could barely see anything. As he was walking towards the librarian's table he bumped into someone and fell on the ground along with the books.

"Oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I'm so sorry.." the boy said in a rather higher pitched voice.

"No no it's fine! I'm completely okay.!" Zak said still lying on the ground trying to get up

"Here let me help..." The boy said helping zak get up by his shoulders and then kneeling down infront of him to pick up the books.

Zak also kneeled down to get his books but was more concentrated in staring at the boy, He had light brown hair and two prettiest emerald green eyes Zak had ever seen.

The brown-haired boy picked up the books and stood up , so did Zak.


"No no don't say thanks, it was my fault so that made it up" the boy chuckled.

"You're the nicest person I've met since I moved to Florida it was really nice to meet"


"Nice to meet you Darryl I'm Zak"

"Nice to meet you too Zak!"

"Alright see you someday maybe? If I'm lucky enough..heh. By the way your eyes are really pretty."

"Thanks i suppose..heheh.. I'm sorry I'm not too great with social conversations" Darryl laughed.

"No no it's not a problem 'cause same!" Zak said "Also if you don't mind can i have your number.. I'm really trying to make some friends since i moved here..."Zak said taking his phone out. (The strong urge to say 'are you hitting on me')

"Sure why not!" Darryl took Zak's phone and entered his phone number. "Alright Zak see you around, bye!"


Darryl's POV

I just made a new friend! It's a very strange yet great day to be honest! He seems like a nice guy...yea,He had really pretty eyes! Darryl thought to himself as he walked out of the library with a wide smile.

"Soo... Who was that black haired boy...?"Cara said with a smirk raising her eyebrow.


"You think you will take more than enough time to get a book and we won't get sus on you and come look for what happened?"

"Now tell us who they were!!"

"Ok ok.. his name is Zak and i bumped into him. He's new to Florida and is trying to make some friends so i just gave him my number cause he asked."

"Gave him your numberr oooooh.."

"Tell us the whole thing i saw you two chuckling and laughing"

"That's the whole thing!! We were just talking nothing else other than that!"

"I'll let that pass for now just because we're running late. Now let's go before we get late."

"Whatever papa says!"

"Alright let's gooo" Darryl said.

After a while of paddling they all reached the collage. After putting their bikes in the parking area. They were all about to walk into the collage when Darryl got a message from someone. That's new!

Unknown number

Ummm who's this?

Zak! The one from library!
This is Darryl right?

Oh hey Zak! :D


Sorry I didn't have your
number saved That's why i
Couldn't recognise you

Oh no it's fine you didn't
have my number XD
anyways ttyl bye :P


Someone pushed Darryl and his phone fell on the ground.

"Jared?" Darryl said looking up at the person who pushed him "oh of course it's you again! what do you want?"

Jared pulled Darryl by his shirt's collar

"Don't talk back to me you piece of trash"

"Hey-" Cara cut her self off when she saw Darryl signing her to stop.

"Why are you talking to yourself? If you wanna do this little thing go look in a mirror and then talk, leave me alone!" Darryl said pushing Jared's hands off of his collar and then knocking him on the ground by hitting his knee.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID TO ME YOU NERD?"Jared said getting up.

"Did i stutter? Or do you have hearing problems?"

Anger was pouring out of Jared's eyes. He quickly ran to Darryl and tried to punch him. Darryl dodged it and pushed him on a nearby car from behind. Jared's "girlfriend" saw this and ran up to him.

"Oh my god Jared!! Are you okay??" she said. "HEY HOW DARE YOU HIT MY BOYFRIEND!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

"Listen here you bitch. We don't give a shit on who you are. Your boyfriend was being an asshole and he fucking deserved it. Now get out of here and take your boyfriend with you before i beat your ass too" Cara said in her most formal voice.

The girl and her boyfriend started walking away. Jared gave Darryl an Angry glare. Darryl grinned in response.

"Better luck next time." Darryl said giving Jared a wide grin.


Darryl and Cara laughed at how Noah's laugh sounded like a glass windows getting wiped.

Darryl picked up his phone and saw the lock screen.

10 messages from Zak:P
3 missed call from Zak:P
Oh my lord...

•909 words•

A/n: That was a fun first meet up :3 Also i imagine how Bad looked in the last chapter while writing this one and i gotta say.. BigDaddy hot🤩. Don't mind me my imagination is wild:)

You're appreciated, worth it and i love you :)
Stay hydrated people<3

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