Chapter 9

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   "I have a plan for ya Big S."

Darryl's POV

Incoming call from Tommy
<<<Answer         Decline>>>

   What does this muffinhead need at this time? Aren't they supposed to be at the party? Darryl's thought. He answered the call.


   "First of all stop screaming. And who in the world are you calling my Boyfriend?"

   "Uhhh you know Zak..yea he's a bit drunk..."

   "whAt? I told him not to drink too much. Wait did you just call him my boyfriend?

   "Darryl we don't have time for this mate.. hurry up come and pick him up"

   "Alright where are you people at? send me your location."

   "We're at Clay's old house."

   "Oh wait i know that place. The one next to that Subway right?"

  "Yea yea hurry up!"

   Darryl quickly got up and grabbed his car keys rushing towards the door. He put his shoes on, Almost tripping and falling to the ground. He forgot his phone on the desk in the hurry...He locked his appartment and bolted towards the parking lot. Lord protect this muffin till i get there.

   Clay's old house was quite close to Darryl's appartment. Not even minutes into the driving and Darryl was already there. When he arrived he saw Tommy and Tubbo standing there with Zak's arms around them.

   "Oh my goodness! Zak!! You muffin are you okay?"

   "Darry!! Mah beLoved! It's sho gud to see you again!" Zak clung around Darryl's neck. "Awhhh u look sho cutee from close."

   "Zak your not fine right now we'll talk about this when i get you to your house alright?"

   "Otey mr. Muffin man!"

   Darryl put his hand in his pocket to take out his phone so he could open up Zak's house's location. How do i still not remember his exact address after a literal month? Wait- where's my- oh god...he checked all of his pockets for his phone but couldn't find it.

   Darryl sat Zak down on the seat and put the seatbelt on him. He closed the door and walked up to the driver's seat. He got in the car locking the doors.

   "Alright Zak i need you to do me a favor okay?"

   Zak wasn't even listening to him. He just started singing songs out of nowhere.

   "Take mE to yo bestfriend's houSe. Goin' round dis round about whooOOOaaa yEeaa"

   "That's what I'm trying to do Zak. I'm trying to get you to your house. Now! I need you to cope with me okay? can you tell me your address right now.. do you think you can do that?"



   Darryl started screaming not being able to control his anger. He frightened already out of control Zak. He started whining.

  "WhY you yELling at me..-" He started whining in the most high pitched voice Darryl's ears has every heard.

   "Alright I'm sorry Zakkk. I'm sorry shhh calm downn"

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