Chapter 6

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Darryl drove back to his home, and changed into something more comfortable. He lied down on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling. Today was definitely a bit different than everyday. Wish this was my whole life it would be so much better He sat up on the bed, running a hand through his hair. Darryl got up and walked over to his books on the table. We can't ditch this. At this point the person Cara talked about that I'll love being called "big daddy" by might just be my books.

"Alright what in the world was that thought" Darryl laughed to himself and went back to studying.

<<<Sort of a time skip>>>

Zak seemed to have actually changed Darryl's life. It had been a month or so since they both met eachother. Darryl no longer felt alone. They both would text eachother during breaks making eachother laugh. And maybe having a few arguments in the middle. Time really just flew by. Darryl was no longer the weak nerd he used to be that just cared about nothing other than studying. He for the first time in his life as a medical student looked like he was actually enjoying himself.

Zak on the other hand managed to make a few friends in his collage. Not that he trusted all of them as much as Darryl. Zak had made four to five friends. Three of them were british and one was a Floridan blonde guy and the other was from Texas. The Floridan and the texas guy were actually friends of Darryl from his highschool. Their name were "Clay" and "Nick" but preferred to be called by the names Dream and Sapnap.

Zak and Darryl would sometimes go to a restaurant together or just take a walk in the parks talking about how their lives are going. And they were still thankful that they bumped into eachother.

Zak's POV

Zak had been growing sort of feelings for Darryl over the past month. Darryl managed to become his best friend in just a month. The feelings weren't too strong so Zak just decided to ignore it. I really can't believe that a guy who bumped into me in a god damn library just became my best friend in a month. It really doesn't make sense but not that I'm complaining though. I'm just surprised and proud of myself that i made him feel comfortable enough for him to come out to me as a bisexual in just a month. Does he really trust me that much? That's cute...

Darryl had come out as bi to Cara and Noah a long time ago but it took him atleast a year to trust them enough. Cara and Noah found it surprising too that Darryl actually trusted Zak that much. Not many people knew about his sexuality other than his parents, Cara, Noah and now Zak too.

Incoming call from Darryl:3
<<<Answer            Decline>>>

"Hello? Zakkkk!!! Hiii"

Zak answered the call and was immediately greeted with Darryl's sweet cheering voice. His voice was full of happiness. He's such a little...i have no idea how to even describe it.

"Hii Zakky!!" "Hello Big daddy's boyfriend" Zak heard Cara and Noah yell in the background. Wtf...


"Can you muffins shut up for a second"

"Hey wassup big S!" Tommy said to Zak.

"Darry I'll talk to you later"


Zak's eyes widened as he realised what he said "Darryl. Darryl. I meant to say Darryl. I-i'm sorry t-that was not intentional."

"Aw no it's fine. It sounded like a cute nickname. Alright byeee" Darryl giggled at the end of the sentence.

Darry..heh. he said it sounds cute he's not wrong though. He's a little cutie himself.

"You there skeppy? Helloooo?" Tommy said waving his hand infront of Zak's face.

"Huh..oh yeah I'm here! Hello Tommy! How's it going? Do you need anything?"

"Calm down mate!! Who were you talking to? Was it that Darryl guy again?"

"Ummm yea"

"Oh okay... I was just wondering why you were smiling and going alll fucking red"

"HUH??!?? WHAT? NoooOo, I WASN'T SMILING AT ALL" Zak said trying to hide his emotions.

"Alright alright big S calm down pal i was just here to invite to to this party"

"Yea.. what party?"

"It's clay's birthday tomorrow. He said he'd prefer inviting only close friends he doesn't want there to be too many people" Tommy said "May i add Darryl's coming too"

Zak's eyes shot up to Tommy from his book. His eyes had a twinkle of happiness that was the most clear thing tommy has seen.

"Whoa that was a quick reaction huh?"

"Ok ok whatever is he actually coming though?"

"I mean he did say maybe... He wasn't clear he said he'd come if he's free from his "studies". God i wonder why he loves his books so much"

Zak thought for a moment he didn't want to miss the chance. What if Darryl actually showed up? I mean i can always make up some excuse if he doesn't show up.

Tommy knew Zak had a crush on Darryl, So did Toby. They all decided to keep it between them for the sake of Zak's personal life.


"Sorry big man gotta go you don't wanna make Big Tubs angry." Tommy said before he ran to Tubbo. I swear to god these two have the most chaotic and cute friendship ever. Zak called Darryl again. He waited a few seconds before being greeted with the same cheering voice of his favourite boy.


"alright alright calm down! I'm here now! By the way Tommy was here to give the invite of clay's birthday party. He said you were invited too.soooooo..."

"I don't think i will be able to come, Zak...."

"Whattt? Whyyyy? Alright then I'm not going either!"

"What!? No! You're not ruining this for yourself just because i have to study..."

"What am i gonna do at the party when you're not there..."

"That was really sweet of you Zak but i don't want you not enjoy yourself because i have work to do"

"If you really care about me that much than you're going to the party that's it!" Darryl insisted.

"Okayy.... But promise we'll go in the park together next day...."

"I promise! Happy now you muffin?"

"Yes! Alright see you later then bye!!"

"Alright byeee"

1.1k words

A/n: exact 1.1k ain't that satisfying. Sorry for not uploading for long I've really been busy it's getting more tough now. Math is hard🙁. I literally saved my classmate from walking in the middle of the road and getting hit by a car and all she did in return was to turn around and slap me for touching her bag. Like okay bruh whatever you want next time I'll just push you infront of the car if you want that. 🙄

Anyways enough of these bitchy people You are not one of them and i love you! You are loved and appreciated!! Stay hydrated people<3 bye!

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