Chapter 11

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Darryl woke up the next morning feeling comfortable and warm. He looked down to see Zak cuddled with him. His arms wrapped tightly around Darryl's waist and his face buried into Darryl's chest. Darryl smiled to himself.

He got out of Zak's arms and slowly sat up trying not to wake the sleeping boy up. Zak groaned due to the sudden discomfort and lack of warmth. Darryl wrapped the blanket around him trying to give some comfort back to him. Zak was again peacefully asleep. His cute little snores made Darryl smile. He ruffled Zak's already messy hair and got out of the bed.

Darryl walked into the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror and smiling to himself. He brushed his teeth and went into the shower. Turning on the faucet. Letting the cold water run over him as he tried to wrap his head around everything that happened last night. He finally confessed his feelings to Zak. Knowing that Zak was about to confess to him first made the happy feeling even more happier. We kissed.... Dang that escalated quickly.... He thought.

After he was done he got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Darryl took out a pair of blue jeans and put it on. He was choosing any kind of hoodie or t-shirt that matched, he wanted to look perfect today...for Zak. As he was looking through his closet he heard a groan. He turned around to see Zak waking up.

"Good morning!" Darryl said in a cheerful voice. Zak sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes.

"Good morn-" Zak looked up to see Darryl standing infront of him with a few t-shirts in his hands, his jaw dropped. He felt a sudden blood rush to his face making him blush. Zak hid his face in his sleeves.

"What happ- OH" Darryl suddenly realised what was making Zak so flustered he quickly picked out a black and red hoodie not really caring about matching for now.

"Ummmmm...uhh oopsie hehe-" Darryl chuckled looking over at Zak who was still hiding his face in his hands.

He walked over to Zak removing his face from his hands. He lifted Zak's face up with his hand.

"Little Zakkie flustered??"

"Wh-What else am I supposed to then?...that was so fucking hot-"

"Oh really huh?" Darryl said inching closer to Zak's face.

"Why would i lie?" Zak smirked running his finger over Darryl's perfect jawline.

"Get ready we have a date to arrange cutie" Darryl whispered in Zak's ear, he was about to leave when Zak grabbed him by the sleeve on his hoodie.

"Not till you give me a kiss"

"If that's what you want...."

Darryl leaned over to Zak inching closer and closer to his face. There lips were about a few centimetres apart when Darryl quickly turned Zak's face to a side and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. Darryl giggled and left.

"Oh come onnn"

Zak walked out of the room looking for Darryl. He walked over to the kitchen to see Darryl preparing something for breakfast.

"Ummm Darryl?"

"Oh hey- yeah what's up?"

"Uhhh I don't have any wear....right now"

"Oh fudge i almost forgot about that part. Eh nevermind don't worry come with me"

Zak followed Darryl to his room. Darryl picked out a dark blue hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Here. Now get ready you muffin I have a surprise for you."

Zak went to the bathroom with the clothes. Meanwhile Darryl walked to the bed to fix it. He was cleaning up the room when he looked over at the mirror, and his lenses to the side. Hmm... He took off his glasses and put the lenses on. He ruffled his hair and got back to cleaning. He then went back to the kitchen to prepare for the 'surprise'. He made some sandwiches and took out some drinks he put them in a basket along with a few fruits and bottles of water. He left a sticky note on the fridge for Zak. 'Waiting for you outside love;)'Darryl walked out of the appartment with the basket and a blanket. He went to the parking lot and put the stuff in the car.

Zak got out of the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror. He looked so small in the hoodie. And it smelled like Darryl...He loved it. Zak then quickly ran towards the kitchen to find Darryl but he wasn't there. He looked over at the fridge. There was a sticky note on it. It read waiting for you outside love;). Zak chuckled softly at the word love and the winky face. He went back to the bedroom getting his phone. Zak walked out of the appartment locking it. He reached outside to see Darryl standing there next to the car waiting, scrolling through his phone.

When he noticed Zak he ran up to him with what looked like a blindfold.

"Here, put this on" he said handing Zak the blindfold.


"Just do itt."

Zak put on the blindfold. Darryl walked him to the car making sure he doesn't fall. They both drive for what seemed like fifteen minutes. Zak was getting bored so Darryl put on some songs for him. They drove forty more minutes and reached the destination. It was a beautiful hill, the road was almost quite with no cars or people. Zak still had his blindfold on. Darryl told him to sit in the car. Zak heard Darryl take something out of the car trunk. After a while Darryl opened Zak's side of the doors allowing him out.

Darryl held Zak's hand making sure he doesn't trip over. He led both of them to an open place. Darryl opened up Zak's blindfold.


Zak gasped at the beautiful scenery. The bright sunlight coverd the beautiful piece of land. Green grass swayed in the wind along with the flowers that added more beauty to the already perfectly gorgeous place with the colors. Their smell filled up the air with a refreshing and mesmerizing energy. There was a blanket in middle of the little land that was surrounded by green fresh trees.

"Sorry but this is all I could do for your first date....afterall I'm living off of student lones myself"

"This is the best first date someone could get. And as long as I have you I don't need anything else" Zak gave Darryl a sweet smile that melted Darryl's heart, and wrapped Him in a warm hug. Darryl hugged back.

"May i?" Darryl kneeled down in front of Zak holding his hand out. Asking for Zak's permission to hold his hand.

"Of course" Zak said putting his hand in Darryl's.

Darryl pulled Zak towards himself spinning him. Zak ended up in Darryl's arms. Darryl then picked Zak up in a bridal style walking towards the Blanket he laid on the soft grass.

"Smooth" Zak smirked. Darryl smiled softly at the comment.

Darryl put Zak down on the blanket and sat down beside him. Zak got up from his place and sat on Darryl's lap with a wide grin on his face.

"Getting quick there are we?" Darryl wrapped his arms around Zak's waist, Pulling him closer. Zak felt his face heat up.

"So can I arrange the real date now? Or are we just gonna sit here and flirt?"

"Maybe both?"

Darryl took out a few paper plates (paper not plastic cause- TURTLES!), the sandwiches, the drinks and the fruits out of the basket placing them down. Darryl prepared and decorated everything even on the blanket for his first date with his first boyfriend. That's what they were now right? boyfriends. Darryl got flustered just by the thought of it. And so did Zak. One thought was running through both of their brains repeatedly Dang...I fell for him so bad.

•1320 words•

A/n: gosh I love this chapter so much. I don't know why but I just do and again so sorry for the TWO WEEKS late upload. I just had my physics exam and i have my chemistry exam on 8th jan. And guess what your author is scared cause they suck at remembering theories. Seriously tho the only thing I'm best at is S U M S . Anyways bai bai.

You are worth it and I believe in you, take care! You're loved dear reader stay hydrated!!!<3

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