Chapter 7

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Zak's POV

Oh how much i wish Darryl would come to the party...but I don't want to pressure him into something. And about the party...Clay thought of me as a close friend so It'll be very bad of me if I don't show up...guess we'll enjoy the night with da bois huh? It's Clay's birthday afterall. I wonder how many people are actually I'll just ask Tommy he might know.

Zak got up from his seat and started walking in the hallway. Thinking of all the possible places Tommy can be at. He saw all three Toby Tommy and Ranboo running towards the locker room.

Zak started walking towards them when he bumped into them midway.

"Oop- sorry bossman i wasn't looking. My apologies" Tubbo said to Zak while Ranboo helped him get up.

"Oh no it's fine..."

"Who were you looking for Big S?"

"Oh i was actually looking for you guys...Tommy do you know how many people are like actually invited to the party?"

" as Clay had said... His parents arranged a party for him with all their relatives and stuff but big man Clay wanted to have a party with only his friends to sooo there will be roughly 14-15 people i guess?"

"Ahh.. alright alright...and any dress codes?"

"Lol nahh everyone's just wearing what they're comfortable with. Who wants to wear a suit at a friends only party. Also I'll message you the time and location today after collage."

"Alright cool"

"Ummm..also Zak Darryl's not coming...." Ranboo said.

"Oh yea i know tha- wait...waiiitt... Do you know about me and Darryl?"

"Ummmm yeaa...? Tommy told me"

Zak's looked over at Tommy with the Why-did-you-do-that face. And Tommy just chuckled in response.

"Listen Big man... Ranboo the beloved is trusted.. he's my bestfriend. He's my bestie! Me and ranboo are best buddies aren't we Ranboo?"


"See you can trust him.. he's a trusted man. Don't worry mate I didn't tell anyone else."

"You better nott..."

"Yea so as i was saying.. Darryl's not coming to the party so like..are you still coming?"

"Yea i am. I called Darryl right after Tommy told me about the party i wasn't going to show up but Darryl insisted and it's Clay's birthday."

"Let's goo. Alright anyways gotta go! Clay told us to to specially invite George, he really went like it's fine if you forget someone else but Don't. Forget. To invite George."

"Man's really a simp for George."

"Alright bye see you later mate!"


The Day went on as usual. All the boring lectures and his little chat with Darryl in middle. A little whining a little giggling, A little cheering and joking to a little arguing , in between their little talks. The Day had finally ended Zak drove home. Threw his backpack to the side and went straight in the shower.

Zak came out of the bathroom a little refreshed yet tired. He put on some comfy clothes and went to sleep not wanting to do anything else.

Darryl's POV

Life wasn't any different for Darryl either. The same usual boring day with a hint of happiness due to Zak. It was still the same. Zak made him happy. He made him smile. Darryl knew he liked Zak. He knew it from the day he came out to him. He didn't want to tell Zak about it. He was afraid, he didn't want to shove his feelings on his straight friend ,Or so he thought.

He really wish he could join Zak at the party. But you gotta do what you gotta do. He really can't replace the studies with the party. Even though he wanted to be with Zak, becoming a doctor was his dream. He always wanted to help people in every way he could. Even if it meant spending his whole day reading books and ditching a party with the boy who gave him butterflies.

Darryl had been sitting on his chair with his books on the table for hours and was still unable to focus. He couldn't think of anything else other than Zak. I wish i could come with you Zak....i wish i could. He thought. I really don't think i can do this right now when all that's running in my mind is literally Z A K. Darryl closed his book and walked over to the bed. He laid down on the bed covering himself with the blankets. And soon enough he drifted into a deep sleep. Entering into a dream world he always wished he could live in. Him and Zak. No one there to tell them anything. No one there to judge him for what he wanted. A world where everything went exactly how he wanted it to go.

•809 words•

A/n: god i love this chapter so much.i just added some random stuff in there that I don't even know and it actually turned out fine. I wrote and came up with this all in a day I'm so proud of myself rn. Today was actually great to be honest. Anyways goodnight bubye people.

Remember you are loved and appreciated. I love you and you matter! Stay hydrated bye!!<3

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