91. bougainvillea

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"Excuse me?" A voice, Armin's, called out from the hall. "Is the Duchess in there?"


"I am-"

"We're busy," Levi cut me off, letting me go to get the door.

"When she's free I would like to talk to her about something," his voice sounded muffled from beyond the door but even that didn't stop the slight nervous tremor in his tone from being heard.

he wants to talk?

not eren?

is this some kind of trap

"If she has time," Levi opened the door slightly to respond.

"Alright, sorry for interrupting the two of you," Armin glanced behind Levi into the room- before hurriedly leaving.

"I should go after him," I sighed, glancing down the empty hall.

"He can wait-" Levi shut the door, glancing at me. "clean up first."

"Are you suggesting that I don't look stunning post cry?"

"You-" He stared at me- debating what to say.

i can't believe my husband doesn't love me </3

"Maybe Armin will accept me at my worst </3 unlike someone."

"I never said that I didn't find you attractive- only that certain people might be slightly concerned as to the state of our relationship if you show up post-cry."


im going to ignore that


"Would he be wrong?"

"We're still trying to hide the fact that we secretly hate each other," Levi rolled his eyes, pulling a handkerchief out of a pocket for me.

i mean how secret is it if hanji and i are going house hunting

"Do you think that Armin is luring me into something?"

i don't think so but

he still doesn't have a great impression of me

maybe i should wait-

"That kid?" Levi frowned, "if you're worried about it I'll go with you, I can't say I want you to go, but he is in our house- if he pulls anything I'll-"




"No I mean- I could take Armin down that's not the issue- I mean what if he's asking me to talk about something so that he can trap me in a lie?"

anyone who tries to kill me is stupid

even if i go down


"Do you have anything to lie about?"

well i mean-

"Our whole relationship started as a lie-"

"And? Is this the point in our relationship where you tell me that you've been lying the whole time? We're together now, you shouldn't have to lie."

im just worried-

"Actually I've been lying about more than that- I'm also secretly helping the first princess fulfil her lifelong goal of marrying the world's most difficult man," I joked, trying to relax a little bit.

"The world's most tired man if she keeps it up," Levi corrected.

"The world's grumpiest man."


"As if I'd give you the satisfaction," I hummed, walking over to where Levi sat at his desk.

"I tried," he reached for me pulling me onto his lap, awkwardly shifting his position to make me comfortable.

i don't have the heart to tell him that the arm of the chair is digging into my side-

"You're too perfect- what did I do to deserve you?"

"Glad you're finally realizing that," he scoffed, reaching a hand up to touch my cheek.

"You're supposed to compliment me back," I pouted, burying my face into his shoulder, as his embrace tightened further around my waist.

"Sounds like a lot of effort."

"I'm worth it asshole."

"You're the only dumbass I would marry."


i love you


"I can't imagine what Armin is thinking right now-" I sighed, not moving to push myself away from Levi's embrace.

"Talking about other people while we're hugging? I feel betrayed." Levi paused, "leave him to think about it- you're tired- take a break from stressful conversations."

"If I didn't know any better I would say you were jealous," I sat up slightly meeting his gaze, he raised an eyebrow at my comment.

did i ever say that i find my husband hot sometimes ??

sorry i know this is a #m*nluv3r moment but like

sometimes (most of the time) he's unfairly attractive

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you like it."

"If I did?"

"You'd be cheating on Hanji."

"I hate you."

"It's the truth-" he let go of me, raising his hands in defense.

"Well- are you jealous?"

"Are you serious?"

"A little."

"Do you want the truth?"


"All the time."

"You're dead to me <3"

"I'll never recover," he muttered, voice monotone. "I'm not jealous of Armin- or anyone for that matter."

ok well .

i feel like we're forgetting abt a situation in a bookstore where you threatened two children with violence

but like ok <3 for the sake of your story i'll ignore that

"A lot of shit has been happening- I'm worried about you," he continued. "There's less I can do against the royal family- I wish I could do more."

"I'll wait to talk to Armin," I hummed, bringing my hand to Levi's cheek.

my needy husband wants me

"I don't want to pressure you-"

"If my jealous husband wants me there's nothing I can do-" I sighed dramatically, resting my forehead on his.

"I can't argue with my needy wife."

"Love you."

"Really? I don't believe you, say it again."

"Are you sure you aren't the needy one?"

"There's no way," he captured my lips in a kiss.

"Love you."


BREAK IS FINALLY HERE! im visiting family so im a little busy but hopefully i'll have some time to get a lot of writing done. 

i hope tht all of you are having a good break if you have it rn <33 

ilu guys

- ami

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