129. fuchsia

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The hall fell into a hushed silence as she made her entrance, the train of her long white dress trailing behind her.

it looks like-

"A fucking wedding dress," Levi muttered under his breath.


"I hate to say it but I think she's taken the spotlight," I chuckled, the attention that was previously on the two of us had completely evaporated.

i wish that historia or annie was here

understandably they aren't but-

now would be a great time for someone in a position of power to criticize her

"Don't worry about it, she's clearly doing this to get attention, if anything it makes her look worse," Levi pulled me closer to his side. "She'll look like shit in a few minutes."

i hope so

The music began to pick back up, and Levi and I still on the dancefloor got swept up in the crowd again, sticking to the outskirts of the dance while keeping an eye on the first princess as she spoke to the hosts.

"She'll come here next," I frowned, "I'm not looking forward to it."

there's no stopping it now

"I'd rather deal with it now than wait for another chance."

you're right

"If we get the opportunity to humiliate her in front of a crowd of her most loyal supporters our job is practically over."

don't let your anxiety get to you y/n

"Shit," Levi muttered, pulling me into a spin. "She's coming over."




"Do you have a knife?"

let's just become criminals levi-

"I am not murdering her."

"Oh wow- betrayal- I thought you loved me," I gasped, shaking my head at him.

"Who gave you that idea?" he rolled his eyes, the two of us moving closer to the center of the room in an attempt to postpone the inevitable.

well for starters-

"I've been conned-"

"Could I have this dance?" An all too familiar figure inserted herself right in our path, forcing the two of us to stop in our tracks.

no you can't...

"I've promised my wife a few more, you'll have to wait," Levi skillfully declined.

we'll be making our escape after we're done dancing so im sorry but you'll never get an opportunity to

"Is that so," Hitch didn't do a great job hiding her emotions, her scowl deepened a stark contrast to the saintly image the white dress gave off. "Levi you don't have to lie-" her voice raised so everyone in the surrounding area could hear.

"I don't recall giving you permission to call me that," Levi shifted putting himself between the two of us. "Please refrain from causing a scene at someone else's engagement party."

it is inevitable

"Levi-" I tugged on his sleeve, biting back a smile, "if you want to you don't have to hold yourself back from spending time with her because of me."

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