115. gloxinia

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"The First Princess is waiting," the same messenger that had interrupted our morning in bed led us down the long corridors of the first princess's wing.

of course she is <3

"That painting right there," Levi stopped in his tracks frowning up at a large painting hung up at the end of a hall. "When did that get added?"


"What do yo-" I turned to look in the way he was pointing, my words stopping in my throat. "Oh my god."

"Oh, that one?" The attendant looked down the hall, a look of confusion passing over his features. "I believe they hung it after the Duke left."

so yesterday??

"And who is that supposed to be?" Levi's frown turned into a scowl.

i can't believe she would do that-

"I don't even have the guts and I'm married to you," I leaned towards Levi, flipping my fan open to hide my mouth as i spoke.

i would honestly admire her for her courage if it weren't for everything else

"I believe it's a painting of the first princess and-" the attendant glanced nervously at Levi, "of you Duke Ackerman."

i can't believe her

"And what are the two of us doing in this painting?"

"Oh well- you're- she's-"

"Speak," Levi's voice turned cold.

oh wow he's done for

"I believe it's a wedding portrait-"

"And when did the first princess and I ever get married?"

"You aren't Sir."

"I believe that the Duke and I are the married couple," I cut into the conversation, putting on my best impression of a distraught wife I continued. "I don't want to criticize the first princess but isn't it a bit much to paint something like this of a married man? Between this and the event that happened yesterday, I'm starting to think that she might have something against the two of us."


"Have someone take it down immediately," Levi gritted his teeth again, anger apparent.

i really can't believe her courage-

"I'll ask the first princess about it," the attendant stammered, still somehow holding his ground.

i would've given up as soon as he asked about it- DENY INVOLVEMENT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE

"Immediately," Levi repeated, "no need to ask for her permission, she didn't ask for mine to make that thing."

he's really mad- this isn't going to help our meeting with the princess in question

"As you wish."

"Levi-" I did my best to look pitiful, grabbing onto his arm and burying my face into his sleeve.

"The first princess should be more aware of her social standing and do her best not to make enemies," Levi spat out, before turning his attention back to me. "Are you alright?"

"I-I'm alright," I stammered, winking at Levi when I was confident the attendant wasn't looking.

"We apologize for any emotional distress this may have caused the Duke and Duchess," the attendant bowed deeply, calling over to a nearby maid for help.


if we're going to cause a scene we better get a large audience

if rumors start in the palace it'll be even better

"That's the bare minimum," Levi muttered, pulling me closer to his side.

"Levi we should go," I glanced down the hall towards what I assumed was the first princess's sitting room.

"My wife and I will go meet the first princess on our own, you stay behind and fix this mess." Levi led me away from the attendant.

"She has some nerve doing something like that," I laughed dryly once the two of us were out of earshot.


"I almost can't believe it," Levi leaned up against a marble column, "to pull shit like that- you'd have to be insane."


"Who does she think she is doing something like that?" I scoffed- "your power is second only to the King, she must have a death wish."

people who are too used to power are too cocky

"I'm going to-" Levi who normally masked his anger with a cold indifference was fuming.

ok wait

"Calm down," I clasped his hands in mine, "if you're too angry she'll take it in another direction, be indifferent, don't act like you care that much."

act too emotional and i think she'll misinterpret it as repressed feelings

"I do care."

"Right, I know," I squeezed his hand. "I'm just as pissed off as you are- I just-"

well honestly Iim kinda impressed

"So I should go in there and rip her a new one."

"Go in there and shut her down, too passive and it looks like you don't like me, too intense and you'll be criticized for your emotions." I frowned, "so you'll have to fall somewhere in the middle."

we're in the same boat

"This is shit."

"You're telling me," I shot him a small smile, reaching up to fix his cravat.

"Let's not give her the satisfaction."

"Hold on," he tucked a hair behind my ear, before taking my arm in his once more. "Alright."


"We're a way hotter couple than the couple in that painting."

"Of course," he scoffed, "for starters we're real."

"We do have that going for us," we came to a stop in front of the large double doors that led to the first princess.

that and other things


I gave Levi a once over, making sure that nothing was out of place, before quickly checking my own appearance in one of the decorative mirrors that lined the hall.

"Couldn't be better."


sorry yall i feel like im dragging this out but ill start writing and get carried away writing cute things w/ levi and y/n- i can't help it

graduation is approaching so fast but im rlly excited! do yall have any plans for the summer?

also im going to be a bit late responding to comments today bc we have ppl over for dinner- im just going to assume tht imjste is the first person to say first <3 congrats bestie ur streak continues

- ami(snottiredanymore)

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