117. angelonia

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"And who are you to have those things," her voice raised, any attempt at maintaining a false sense of civility evaporated.

"His wife," I tightened my grip on my dress, wrinkling the fabric.

"You must be lying," she laughed loudly, slamming her hands down on the table in front of us, the tableware clattering at the impact. "Your whole relationship is a sham."

at one point it was

"It's not," I paused, leveling my gaze on her. "Even if it was it doesn't change the fact that Levi doesn't want you."

and honestly what's more pitiful

"What's worse? Levi falling in love with someone else and picking them over you or Levi despising you so much he would go as far as to enter a fake relationship to avoid you?"

maybe i'm the fool but i'd rather face indifference than loathing

"You obviously have something over him, as far as I know, the two of you had never even talked before the ball that you announced your relationship in." Her hands were balled into tight fists. "You're trapping him."

she isn't wrong

i can see how this would be infuriating

someone who you don't know sweeping in and taking what you thought was yours

it never was- was it?

i said before that between levi's indifference and levi's loathing i would take indifference

but the truth is

she's gotten both of them

he hated her enough to enter a fake relationship, and now circumstances have changed, he loves me enough to not care about her

this is the result of her own actions

"She isn't trapping me," Levi stepped in.

with what would i be trapping him?

"Of course, you wouldn't say anything," her tone seemed to soften slightly when she spoke to him.

that irritates me

"You're making wild assumptions without any evidence," I shook my head, my voice rising. "Leave the two of us alone."

"Evidence? I've known Levi years longer than you- I don't need evidence- I know when something is wrong."

did you know him or did you just covet him?

"Not once in any of those years did he have any interest in you."

and not once did you do anything for him


"There are servants outside, do you want them to hear you screaming at my wife?" Levi cut her off with a sharp glare. "Y/N is right, not once did I have interest in you."

"Leave us alone."

"Y-you-" her voice wavered. "GUARDS!"

"We were just leaving anyway," Levi stood up, pulling me with him. "Think long and hard about our conversation today, any insults to my wife going forward will not be met with the same civility."

we won't ignore it any longer

"What could you possibly do?" Her nails left little red indentations in her palm, "I'm the princess."

"There are fifteen others, do you really think your position is that precious?" Levi scowled, stepping aside to let the guards she had called rush in.

"Let's go," I looked once over my shoulder, before taking Levi's arm.

"For someone so loved your ring is awfully plain," she called after the two of us. "The north is known for its gemstones and yet there isn't a single one on your wedding ring."


she's right

don't let it bother you

"The second princess invited us to visit her, we have to get going," I quickly excused us.

"The second? Annie would ne-" the doors closed behind us, and we could hear no more.

we were close to getting thrown out

i think i may have just caused problems for annie

not that it matters- she made her allegiance clear

"Keep the act up until we make it to the carriage," Levi whispered into my ear pulling me close to his side. "You were amazing."

i know i am

"So were you," I muttered, burying my face into his jacket. "Do I look like I'm crying if I do this?"

"No, but," he stopped in his tracks, brushing the hair out of my face. "You will if I do this," he picked me up in one fluid motion, holding me in his arms.

"I'm going to start blushing," I muttered, hiding my face with my hand, my ring catching in the light.

she's right, it is plain

it's a symbol of the past

he gave it to me when we didn't feel anything for each other-

but why hasn't he gotten me a new one?

what does it matter- it's not like his is anything particularly fancy either

you're right

if i really want something to change i should take it into my own hands- like i always have

"Don't actually cry," Levi shot me a look of concern, "she didn't get to you did she?"

"No," I shook off the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach. "She didn't. Did she get to you?"

"If she had I certainly wouldn't be carrying you in my arms right now, don't worry about it, idiot."

good to see that everything is normal

as long as we can bicker

everything is alright

"Look at that," I pointed to the hall where the picture had been, a large empty space was the only sign that it had ever been there. "They took it down."

"Of course they did, cowards."

you call it cowardice i call it knowing what's best for them

"Or they're smart."

"You know I've never seen her cry," Levi muttered, "scream and throw a fit? Sure."

interesting ...

"Are you feeling sympathetic or do you just like crying women?"



"Shhh- keep it down we're going to get found out." Levi picked up his pace.

"Did you see the way she was looking at me?" I felt a phantom chill run through me at the thought of it- "it was so cold- calculating."

"What are you talking about?" Levi stopped in his tracks, looking down at me, startled.

"You didn't see it? She was staring me down like I was prey or something."

"Y/N-" Levi bit his lip holding back a laugh.



"You should've seen yourself-"


"Keep it down-" A small chuckle escaped his lips, "you looked exactly like her-"

"I did?"

"Yes-" he continued to laugh, "whenever you want to intimidate someone you look the exact same."

"I DO?"



another day another slay <33 loev u guys

- awhgmi

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