Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

And let me kiss you inside out!! I sit up and turn my alarm clock off. What a great way to wake up. I throw my covers back and walk towards the bathroom to take a shower. There's only 2 ways to wake me up hot showers and music.

After I finish my shower I dry my hair and wrap a towel around my body and make my way back to my room.

I open my dresser and pull out a pair of underwear and a bra.

"Now what kinda person divi want to present myself as this year?" I say to nobody. I settle on a off the shoulder black shirt with the word love in the middle and a pair of black skinny jeans with black leather boots.

Then I walk to what I like to call my finishing touch table. I curl my hair and put on some lipgloss and head downstairs.

I cut up a banana and put peanut butter on it and grab some Oreos and milk. I know I eat the best breakfasts don't I. Once I finish I walk upstairs and grab my book bag, cell phone, lipgloss, iPod, earbuds and a cute sweater and head out the door.

At school I walk to the office to get my locker number, combination and class schedule. Yay this year I'm not near any bathrooms that's good. Locker 114 interesting. I hear everybody always moves out of that locker. Oh well.

After I find my locker and dump my books inside I look at my class schedule. Yay science is first.

*15 minutes later*

I walk into class but nobody's there except the teacher. "Pick a seat and don't complain that's your seat for the in tire year." My teacher new science teacher tells me. I smile at him and pick the seat at the front right hand side if the room farthest from the door.

"Hello." I turn around to see a cute blonde haired boy with dazzling blue eyes. "Hi" I shyly say back. He must new I mean why else would he talk to me? Next a curly haired boy walks in with some of the popular kids. "Harry come sit here!" The blonde boy yells.

Some of the popular kids look over and laugh. "Don't sit over there Harry the schools nerd is sitting over there." Carder says and I look away from them. Again this is happening so soon in the year.

I stare at the desk top until I feel somebody poke my back lightly. I turn around to find the blonde haired boy. "Are you okay?" He asks concern clear in his voice. I nod even though I'm dieing inside. ''I'm Niall and I like food." He says and sticks his hand out. I can't help but smile at that and I shake his hand. "I'm Alex and I like reading and music." I say. He's smiles and I turn around.

Everybody's seated and the only person who's sitting by me is Niall. "Alright class I'm mr. Bucking and I'll be your science teacher this year." Mr. Bucking says. But right at that moment 2 boys burst in the room one has black hair in a cute quiff and the other has brown hair and brown eyes. "Sorry we're late we couldn't find the classroom." The brown haired boy says with a small blush. "That's fine just sit down and tell isn't your names." "I'm Zayn"the black haired boy says. "And I'm Liam" the brown haired boy says. They walk over to where I am and sit down. They smile at me and say hi to Niall which I'm guessing they already know and turn around.

"Okay class this is what we'll be doing this year." Mr Buckley says and starts writing in the chalkboard. I pull out a notebook and start coping down what he's writing and in no time science is over and I'm heading to biology.

*In the hallway in between science and biology*

"Hey nerd." I hear the familiar sound of Carter's voice and his groups laughter. I turn my head to see that the new kid Harry is with them. Holy he was cute. "Harry meet the schools nerd that does our homework. Nerd meet the newest member of our group Harry." Derrick says and gestures to me then to Harry.

Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in tooWhere stories live. Discover now