Chapter 16

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Alex's POV

The last few hours have consisted of Harry beating me abusing me and basically making me feel like shit. Why can't I be with Niall?

I let out another cry of pain as Harry uses his belt to whip the back of my legs. "Shut up bitch." Harry orders and I try to hold in my sobs.

He whips me a few more times before crouching down to my level. "Now Alex, have you learned your lesson?" Harry asks lifting my face up so I make eye contact with him. I slowly nod my head, tears still streaming down my face. "Are you going to betray your boyfriend like that again?" I shake my head and smiles dropping me.

"Now clean yourself up and put this on." He says pointing to the bathroom and handing me a bag. "We have company coming over in 2 hours and you have to help me cook." I sigh and slowly walk to the bathroom. Every part of me hurts.

Why does Harry have to do this to me?

As I slowly wash my hair I start to think, who's coming over? What's there're purpose? If its for business why aren't we doing it at a more public spot?

These thoughts are still running through my head when I get out of the shower and start to dry myself off. I start to put on the clothes which is a pair of really short booty shorts, toms, tight spaghetti strap tank top. Just peachy.

When I walk downstairs accepting the fact I'm basically trapped here. I walk into the kitchen and Harry turns around. "Hello beautiful." I try not to gag when he raps his arms around me. "Hi." I say bluntly. "Okay so we're just going to be making easy finger food." I nod and I start cutting vegetables.

"What are these people coming over for?" I ask cutting some cucumbers. "Once a week my friends and I have a games night with our girlfriends. Yeah so Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall are coming over." I take a short, sharp breath in when he says Niall's name. I nod and continue cutting.

It's about 5:00 and the boys arrive. I'm upstairs brushing my hair when Harry calls me down.

When I come downstairs I can see Niall stiffen. "Hey guys!" I say launching myself at them. I whisper into Louis ear, "Please get me out of here, he's hurting me." He whispers back, "Talk to me later." I nod and go to stand by Niall. Harry grabs my hand and drags me to his side. "Alex meet, Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor." Harry says and I shake there hands.

We sit down and Harry decided we should play charades. We put a bunch of actions in a hat and of course Harry and I had to go first. I look at the piece of paper and I almost scream. The paper says raping. Why the fuck would somebody put that down. Harry looks at the paper and smiles. Gee I guess I found out who.

Harry pushes me down and I fall onto my foot a tear falling down my face. Harry straddles my waist and I want to cry. He pulls my arms up and pushes all of his weight onto my wrists, slowly rocking his hips back and forth. Louis screams it out and I'm thankful he did. I sit down and about an hour later we decide to start eating.

We go outside for a fire and I excuse myself quickly to go inside and get a drink. Louis soon follows me and I'm grateful. "What's wrong ally?" Louis asks and I start crying. "Harry won't let me be with Niall, he's beating me, raped me and I want to leave." I cry into Louis chest as he strokes my hair. "It's okay, the boys and I will find a way to get you out of here. I promise you." I sigh. "When Niall came over trying to rescue me he ended up knocked unconscious and dropped in a park." I start to cry harder and Louis wipes my tears away. "Remember though there will be 4 of us, not just 1." I nod and give Louis a hug. I wipe my tears away grab a coke and return to the fire.

I try to sit next to Niall but Harry drags me towards him and for the rest of the night I'm trapped on his lap. He won't even let me get uproar use the bathroom or get a drink.


Thank you guys for reading and sorry I didn't update yesterday. It was my birthday!! Comment vote and fan.

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