Chapter 19

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You know how normal people walk into Walmart or any type of store pushing a shopping cart in front of them. Well those people were shocked when they saw us come into the store.

I'm sitting in a shopping with Louis pushing me, he's sprinting and I'm still screaming for him to go faster. "Faster Louis, faster! Off to the chip section!" I yell with my arm held in the air pointing towards the chips. I'm standing up in the cart and Louis takes off running. Liam, Niall and Zayn are in front of us, yelling at people to move as we charge past. They give us dirty looks as we pass by. We turn into the chip isle and I look around.

"Now my royal minions bring me yummy chips." I command and Louis looks at me like I'm mental. "Excuse me girl, but I don't take orders from no one." Louis says snapping his fingers in a Z formation. I laugh at him and he looks offended. "Oh girl, you did not just laugh at the great and powerful Louis." He says and I smile. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He frowns and I smile at him sweetly.

While this is going on Niall has been watching this laughing and Liam and Zayn are filling the cart with chips. Once we got all the chips we need Louis pushes me and the cart to the pop and candy isle. I kneeling in the cart surrounded by chips, pop and candy. We get all we need and we head to check out. I look around and see a till open with an attractive guy working at it. I fix my hair and instruct Louis to the empty line.

The guy looks at my boys and gives them a quizzical look, when he looks at me his entire face lights up. "Hello there. Did you have a nice ride?" I blush and look away Niall stepping closer to me. "Yeah, for sure. But you need to make these shopping carts easier to stand in, I nearly fell out." I joke and he smiles. "I'll be sure to tell my manager." He winks at me and I smile. Niall helps me out of the cart and I smile. "Thanks." I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles down at me. I look at his name tag and see his names Chris.

"Your total is $87.64." Chris says and Liam grabs his wallet pulling out some 20's. When Liam gets his change we start to walk back to the car. Chris grabs my hand before I can get very far though. "Call me." He says winking, handing me a slip of paper. I give him a strange look and I walk to catch up with Niall putting the paper in my pocket.

"Piggy bag!" I yell jumping onto Niall's back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands underneath my butt making sure I won't fall off. We reach the car and we put all the groceries into the trunk. We get into the car and we start to drive back to the boys house.

One thing is bothering me though. If the boys all live together how come Harry brought me to a totally different house and said I better be at Louis house? How does that work?

"Niall," I whisper and he looks at me. "What is it honey?" He asks taking my hand. "If all of you guys live in one house then how come Harry took me to a totally different house that you guys came to visit and Harry said I better be at Louis house ready for him to pick up?" I ask and he smiles at me. "All of our parents bought us houses and they bought us one house for all of us. If we don't stay friends then the other parents buy out the other parents part if there child isn't living there and we each have our own house so we have a place to stay or if we just want some peace and quiet and stuff." Niall explains. "Also we go to each others houses for games night, movie night, etc.." I nod in understanding. "It makes sense."

Before I know it we're back at the boys house. "What movie are we watching?" I ask once we've sorted through all of the groceries. "Toy story!" Liam yells and the others groan. "Not toy story again Liam. We watched it not that long ago." Zayn complains and I giggle. "How about despicable me?" I ask and they smile. "I haven't seen that movie in forever girlfriend." Louis says and I laugh.

The boys go into the living room to set up the DVD player and find the movie while I stay in the kitchen and pop popcorn. I sit on the counter waiting when I hear the back door open. I hop down from the counter as the microwave beeps telling me my popcorns done. I open the microwave pulling out the bag dropping it quickly on the counter because its really hot. I bend down to grab an unpopped bag of popcorn when I feel some bodies hands wrap around my waist pulling me up and off my feet.

I let a scream of pure and utter terror as I start thrashing in the arms of my holder. I turn my head to see a head full of curls. I'd know those curls anywhere. I let out another scream and the boys come rushing into the kitchen. When they see Harry carrying me to the back door they imminently run forward. Liam punches Harry in the nose causing him to drop me. I crawl away and sit in a corner scared out of my mind. Niall pushes Harry up against the wall and knees him in the stomach causing him to double over in pain.

Now what I'm about to do next may surprise you but it doesn't surprise me at all.

"Stop!" I scream tears running down my face. They boys turn around still holding Harry. "Why?" Liam asks and I take a shaky breath. "Yes Harry has been a jerk to me but nobody deserves to be beaten. I've been beat up many times and I don't think anybody deserves no matter what they've done." They look at me like I've grown another head. "Are you sure?" Zayn asks and I nod my head.

I slowly get up and I walk over to Harry. "If I get them to let you go then you have to promise me this, you will never hurt any of us in anyway. You can socialize with us but you can never injure any of us and you can't lay a finger on me especially if I don't want you to. The boy then have permission to beat the living shit out of you. Understood?" Harry nods his head. "I understand." He said and the boys let go of him. "Go home Harry." He nods his head. "Goodbye hug?" He asks smiling at me. I stuck out my hand. He takes it gingerly and shakes it.

He soon after leaves and I walk into the living room sitting down on the couch.

"Your amazing." Niall says and I smile weakly.

If only he knew what I've been through.


I'm sorry if it wasn't a very good chapter. I'd like to give a shout out to futuremrsstyles_1D for being an amazing author and from our conversations an amazing person. You guys should check out her books played and love is complicated.

Thank you guys for reading my book(s).

<3 you all!

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