Chapter 35

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Liam's POV

Harry and I sit and cry for a while at the park. People passing by don't pay any attention to the scene in front of them. Except for these 2 young ladies.

"Oh my god! What happened?" A brown haired girl asks, running up ad giving me a hug. A red haired one runs up and hugs Harry. "I point to the message on the tree and they go over and read it. They look at Louis then the message once more before tears escape there eyes.

"I'm so sorry." The brown haired one says. "Jenny, we have to call the police or ambulance or someone." The brown haired one says and Jenny pulls out her phone. The call 911 while Harry and I sit and cry.

First we lose Alex, the world loses Alex. Then us and the world loses Louis. Who are we going to lose next?

I cry harder at the thought. A hand gently rubs my back and my sobs start to quiet down and become less frequent.

"I'm Danielle by the way." She gives me a reassuring smile. "I'm Liam." I hiccup at the end which makes me blush. Daniele smiles at me as she continues to rub my back. "Well Liam, why don't we get you and your friend home and cleaned up. The police will be here to deal with this." I nod and she helps me up, her friend doing the same with Harry.

We slowly walk towards my house. "Thank you." I say when we reach my house. "It's no problem at all." She says and gives me a heart warming smile. We step inside and I go upstairs and change my shirt.

I go downstairs and sit next to Danielle. "Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?" She asks me and I shrug. "What do you want to know?"

Danielle and I talk for a bit and I learn a lot about her. I tell her how I always wanted to be a singer and she tells me how she always wanted to be a famous dancer. I feel like we've known each other for a while.

"Can you tell me about your friend?" She asks me and I look at her confused. "Harry?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Louis. It seems like you two were close. Would you mind talking about it?" I take a shaky breath.

"Louis is one of my best friends. I've known him for a while. He was always happy and made everyone laugh, he was also quiet sassy. I knew he had feelings for Alex but I never knew he would even consider doing something like this. He has so much to live for and he just threw it away. I understand his reasoning but I wish I had the chance to talk to him about it." I take a shaky breath before continuing.

"Louis was always there no matter what. He put everyone ahead if him and he was a wreck when Alex passed. I wanted to help him, I really did; but I couldn't. It felt like no matter how hard I would've tried he wouldn't be happy and wouldn't accept the fact that he couldn't be with her. I guess he found a way."

Danielle wiped a few tears that were running down my cheeks away. "You're a really good person Danielle. You and Jenny. Harry and I must have been at that park close to an hour and nobody ever stopped. Some people looked at us with horrified looks on their faces but none ever stopped." I give her hug and she gladly returns it.

"Thank you Danielle." She smiles and wipes away a few tears from her own eyes. "You're welcome Liam." I hug her one last time before her phone goes off.

"I'm so sorry but I have to leave. My coach is freaking out because I'm late. I'm sorry. Here text me." She quickly scrawls her number on a piece of paper before her a Jenny exit the house with a final goodbye.


I've decided this is the last chapter and there's going to be an epilogue. I might post the epilogue tomorrow some time. I just want to thank you guys for all your support. It means the world to me. I never thought this book would do so good but it has. I'm nothing special, I'm far from special actually and to get over 1000 reads for me is incredible. I can't thank you guys enough. Thank you!

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