Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

Today's the day I have to get the bullet in my arm removed. The doctor said that I will lose a lot of blood on this operation same as the next one.

The nurse just finished prepping me for the operation when Niall walks in.

"Hey baby." Niall says and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier." He apologizes. "That's okay Niall. They've been prepping me for the last hour and a half anyways. He nods his head in understanding and sits beside me on the bed.

"When's the operation?" He asks out of the blue. "In 20 minutes, or so." He looks at me with despair written on his face. "What's wrong baby?" I ask placing a hand on his arm. "I just don't want to loose you. I already almost lost you and I can't... I won't be able to go on without you." I never thought of what would happen if the surgery failed. "It's okay, the doctors a trained professional." I try to comfort him but really I'm just trying to reassure myself. "I know but you never know." He says. I nod and give him a reassuring kiss.

We kissed for what must've been 5 minutes but, it only felt like 10 seconds.

The nurse comes to retrieve me. I say my goodbyes to Niall and sadly walk to the bed/ table looking think on wheels. "I can walk." I reply grumpily. "We know you can walk but we like if all patients that go for surgery are pushed in on this." The lady says and make a small gesture towards the bed/ table thing. I get on and she starts pushing me down the hallway.

*20 minutes later in surgery room*

"Okay Alex, I'm going to numb your arm and give you some laughing gas. Unless you want to watch this." The doctor who I late find out name is Greg tells me. "I want the laughing gas. Please and thank you." He nods and grabs the needle which he'll use to freeze my arm. "Now if you feel lightheaded or nauseous afterwards that's normal. You will probably loose a lot of blood during this surgery and the 1 or 2 we're doing on your leg.'' I nod and he sticks the needle in my arm.

Almost as soon as the needle enters my muscle my arm starts to go numb. Greg takes the needle out of my arm and sets it aside. The nurse Debby straps a mask to my face and turns the machines on. I pass out from the laughing gas minutes later.

*4 hours later*

I wake up to see Niall sitting beside me. "How are you feeling?" Niall asks me tentatively. "I feel fine a little sore though." I reply looking at my arm. 

It's wrapped in bandages. I try to move myself up but I fail miserably. Niall helps me sit up and I laugh. "I feel so helpless." "Would you feel helpless if I so this?" Niall asks and leans in slowly. I smile against the kiss. He always knows how to make me feel better.

We hear a cough and see the doctor standing in the doorway. Niall sits back down and we both blush a deep scarlet red. "Anyways, Alex. How are you feeling?" I feel good just a little sore." He nods. "Okay well the bullet was lodged into your muscle so we had to cut a bit of your muscle to retrieve the bullet but we're going to cast it hopefully tomorrow so it can heal properly." Greg explains and I nod. The doctor leaves and I turn to look at Niall.

"I'm so sorry Alex but I have to go. I'm meeting my brother to help him pick out a tux for his wedding." I nod sadly. "Niall hands me a 2 books, gives a kiss goodbye then leaves. I wave at him sadly as he exits my room. 

What are these books for?


Hey guys! I know, I know it's short but I thought I'd get her first surgury over and done with. Now I'm not sure if all the medical stuff is true but for it to work lets just say that it is true. K? What do you think the 2 books are??? Comment below what you think.

Also I did this in my other book and I'm going to do this in this one too. Okay, so I want to know a bit about my readers so I have 3 questions I want you to answer.

1) Where do you live? (You don't have to list address or even your city. You can put your country, province/state whatever you feel comfortable putting.)

2)What are you? A girl directioner? Boy directioner? Not a directioner?

3)Who's your favorite member(s) of One Direction?

My answers are: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, North America. Girl directioner. Favorite member(s) is all of them. :) Your turn to answer. Comment, vote and fan. XxSarah-

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