Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

After drama I ended up getting 7 new bruises. I was depressed so I did the one thing I do when I'm depressed. I grabbed some scissors and went to the bathroom.

I checked to make sure that nobody was in here and walked over to the sink. I set my bag down and rolled up my sleeve. I held the blade up to my wrist and took a deep breath. I pushed the blade into my skin and watched the red blood ooze out of the cut and into the sink.

I let out a sigh. This is the only way I release my stress and depression. My cut's still bleeding but I don't care. I take the scissors and make another cut on my other wrist. I watch as the blood rushes out of the wounds and down the drain. My heart stops when I hear Zayn calling me.

Zayns POV

It's been 15 minutes since the bell has gone and Niall's worried sick and so am I. Niall said that he invited her over and she hasn't come to her locker yet, we went looking for her and Niall stayed at her locker in case she shows up.

I hear some moving in the girls washroom. "ALEX!" I yell. I really want to find her. I stick my head in and find Alex at the sinks. I walk in and hug her. She smiles and tries to wash something down the sink. I ignore it but then I see scissors by her bag with drying blood on it. She's also trying to hide her wrists.

I sigh and step back from her. "Alex.." I say and she turns around. I grab her wrists and pull her sleeves up. My fears were confirmed. On both wrists were fresh cuts with blood still dripping out of them.

I looked up and saw Alex crying. "I'm sorry." She said before she ripped her wrists away from me, grabbed her bag and bolted from the bathroom. "Alex wait!" I shout down the hallway but I've lost her.

Alex's POV

I was so ashamed. I didn't want Zayn to know I've been cutting again. The look on his face just made me so sad. He looked worried and hurt. I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to get out of there.

Louis's POV

I was so happy that Alex was coming over tonight. The only downside is Harry lives with us. There's going to be a lot of tension in the house. Oh well, we can make it work.


Alex comes racing down the hallway crying her eyes out and rubbing her wrists, I hope she didn't run into Harry and his new group. "Alex what's wrong?" She looks up at me, her eyes are red and blotchy. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just heading to my locker." She says quickly and tries to side-step me. I grab her arm and spin her around. I roll her sleeves up and look at the cut marks. Before I can register what it means Alex has gotten out of my grasp and has taken off down the hallway.

Why does someone so nice and pretty cut??

Alex's POV

Oh great now Louis knows too. I just hope Niall doesn't find out. He's so sweet and I don't think he'd be able to handle it.

I walk towards my locker rubbing my wrists with them fully exposed. I reach my locker and take my hands off my wrists but I failed to look to see who was by my locker. There was Niall staring at my wrists shock written on his face. I quickly grabbed my stuff, threw it into my bag and took off running out of the school.

I started the long walk home, forgetting my bus fair in my locker.

"Alex wait!" I turn around to find Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall running after me. I sigh and take off running. I know they won't be able to catch me. Sadly I didn't know that they had a car. They quickly pull up beside and Louis jumps out and tackles me to the ground pinning me down.

''Alex do you still want to come over?" Louis asks hope etched into his features. "Only if you'll have me and all my problems." I say sadly, tears falling down face. "Of course!" Louis says and gets off me and helps me up. He helps me into there black van and Liam starts driving to there house.


"Don't you have to call your parents?" Zayn asks and I shake my head no. "I don't live with my parents. They hate me and moved out of the house. They gave me the house and I haven't talk to them in years." I say and look down at my feet. "You mean you don't have a family that cares about you?" Louis ask and I nod my head. "Oh girl then we are totally gonna be your family!" Louis yells. "Yeah, everyone deserves a family, so we're going to be yours." Liam says and pulls up in front of a farely big flat.


"What do you want to do?" Zayn asked us while he played with my hair. "I don't know. You guys pick." I say lazily. "TRUTH OR DARE!!" Louis screams. I swear that boy is to hyper. "Okay." I say and we sit in a circle.

"I want to go first!" Louis yells and he begins. "Okay so Alex truth or dare?" Louis asks with a smirk on his face. "Dare?" I say it more of a question. Louis gets an evil smirk. "I dare you to.." Then he looks at Niall and smirks. My stomachs flops. "I dare you to KISS Nialler on the lips for 2 minutes!" Louis screams and Niall's cheeks go a bright red and I'm sure mine do too.

After a minute of hesitation I make my way over to Niall. This is my first kiss so I'm nervous. I sit in front of him and look at him. I make contact with his beautiful blue eyes. We both lean in but right before our lips touch Niall pulls back and Zayn runs up and pulls the back of my sweater and shirt up. I start screaming.

I try to pull away but Zayn holds me down. Niall makes his way around to look at my back.

When Zayn finally releases me I grab my back and dart out the front door. I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. Why would they do this? I was a fool to think they were actually my friends. I'm just someone the pity. They don't actually like me they just feel sorry me.

I feel myself getting lifted off the ground and thrown into a car. Before I can react I feel myself slipping out of consciousness.


-Hey guys. How did you like this chapter?? Who do you think took Alex?

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Thank you guys once again. :)

Xx Sarah-

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