Chapter 18

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"Well... I um really wanted to get away from Harry and he's out of town so I thought before he came I could escape." I say deciding I'll tell Niall the real reason later. "Oh okay." Zayn says and looks out the window. The others nod seeing it as being a logical answer.

They ask me a million and one questions before we arrive and I'm thankful when Niall leads me to his room.

"I'm so happy you're okay." He says engulfing me in a hug. I hug him for what feels like eternity. "What happened when you were there?" He asks concerned as he leads me to his bed and sits down. "Well, he...he uh. He hurt me Niall. All I wanted when I was there was to get away from him and to you." I choke out a few tears escaping from my eyes. "How did he hurt you?" Niall asks as he wipes away the tears running down my cheeks. "Physically." I whisper. I really don't want to go into details, not now anyways.

He lets it slide but I know that he'll bring it up again.

"Did you bring any clothes?" Niall asks and I shake my head. I look at the clock and it reads 10:45p.m. I never really noticed how tired I was until then. "Do you want some clothes to change into?" I nod my head and he goes looking in his closet for a shirt. I decide to go and look for some bottoms.

I open the top drawer and see it full of boxers. A pair of those will work nicely for pj bottoms. I grab a pair of blue and white checkered ones and quickly change into them. I turn around and find Niall staring at me. I look away nervously.

I've never really been all that confidant in my appearance and this is making me feel worse.

"What?" I ask but it comes out in a whisper. "I never knew how beautiful you really are." He replies staring at me with a smile of his face. "Can I just have a shirt to change into please." I ask feeling a blush creep its way onto my cheeks. "Of course." He hands me a white t-shirt that comes to mid thigh on me. I put it on quickly and smile.

I walk out of the room quickly and I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Alex." Louis says turning around. He looks at me and his eyes go wide. "Holy shit! You look hot in that!" Louis exclaims and I frown.

I know I'm not beautiful or pretty or hot or good looking in general. Why are the guys saying that? I know it's not true and they should obviously know its not true so what's the point? They're just waiting there breath.

At that moment the phone rings and Louis excuses himself and looks at the caller ID. When he reads the name his face goes pale. "Louis, what's wrong?" I ask walking over to look at the phone. When I read the caller ID I swear my heart stopped. Harry's phoning.

"Get the boys down here, now." Louis says and I run up stairs faster than I thought possible. "Boys, get downstairs right now and go to the kitchen!" I yell and they come out of there rooms. "Why?" Liam asks walking down the stairs. "Harry's phoning." When those 2 words leave my mouth the boys faces go pale and they bolt to the kitchen.

When I reach the kitchen Louis answers the phone and puts it on speaker.

"Hello Louis. So happy of you to answer my call." Harry says and I can picture him smirking. "It has come to my attention that my little Alex has gone missing from my house. Would happen to know where she is?" Harry asks and I see Niall make his hands into fists when he says 'my little Alex'.

"No Harry, I have not the slightest idea where Alex would be. I haven't seen her since the lads and I came over to your house earlier this week." Louis replies calmly and I sigh. "Oh really. Brad had told me when he was heading towards the house he saw Alex jump into your car and you guys drive away with her." Harry says annoyed. "Oh Harry that was your first mistake. You left her alone, while you were out of town with a phone available to her." Louis says and I smile. Way to go Louis.

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