Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

*Lunch time*

"Alex come sit with us." Zayn says to me after I get my lunch. I smile. This is the first time in 5 years someone as asked me to sit with them. I walk over to there table and sit down. Zayn sits to right, Louis in front of me, Liam to my left and Niall beside Louis. "How was biology?" Liam asks me and I look at Zayn.

Do I tell them what I told Zayn or not. My thoughts get interrupted by Harry's voice. "Why are you sitting with them loser??" Harry asks and the rest of his group laughs. "Because I invited her to." Zayn tells him and I smile at him. He smiles back and places a hand on my shoulder. Harry scoffs at us.

"Hazza what happened to you? You used to be so nice.... now you're a monster." Louis says choking at the end. ''You want to know what happened Lou, do you really?" Harry asks with a doubt full look on his face. Louis nods his head and I lean forward interested in what he has to say. "Well Louis I became popular. I'm not sure if you know what that means but I do. So I'm hanging out with these guys." Harry says and puts his arm around Carter. "But you're being a bully." Louis says with tears in his eyes. "Do you think I care?" Harry laughs then walks away but not before he pushes my face into my food. I get up quickly and run to the bathroom on the verge of crying.

I quickly wipe my eyes and start cleaning my face that's full of lasagna and brownies. "Alex are you there?" I hear somebody call from the door. I decide to stay quiet. Suddenly the door opens and in steps Niall. "Alex are you alright?" Niall asks and walks over to me. I shake my head no. He gives me a bone crushing hug. "Why are you in the girls bathroom?" I ask Niall as I step away from him and continue to clean my face. "Because I was worried about you." I smile. "Here let me help." Niall says and spins me around. I stare into his eyes and I can't look away.

Niall starts slowly wiping my face and getting the food out if my hair all the while he was staring into my eyes. When he finished we just stood there looking Into each others eyes. He slowly leans in and so do I. Our lips touch and I feel sparks fly. My hands find there way into his beautiful blonde hair while his find there way to my hips.

We eventually pull back and Niall starts blushing. "Sorry" Niall says and scratches the back of his neck. "Why are you sorry? I liked it." I say and feel a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks.

"Shall we head back?" Niall asks after a few minutes. I nod and start heading towards the door. We start down the hallway and I grab Niall's hand. He looks at me and I smile. Just before we enter the lunchroom Niall stops me. "Alex did you feel any sparks when we kissed?" Niall asks a little embarrassed. I nod. "Did you?" I ask him and he nods his head. I tilt his head and kiss him again. He smiled and we made our way back to the others.

Niall's POV

When Alex kissed me again I felt sparks fly once again. I smiled and grabbed her hand and lead her back to the others. I couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked and how strong she was to deal with the bullies.

Alex's POV

"Are you feeling better?" Liam asked me with a worried look on his face. I nod and look over to see some fake blonde popular lap dancing Harry and I turn away in disgust. I see Louis moping in the corner.

"What wrong Louis?" I ask him as a cautiously make my way over to him. "Harry was so loving and caring. He was my best mate. Now he's that." Louis says and I look over to see him making out with Amy while the blonde still humps him. I nod as if I understand but truthfully I don't. I haven't had a friend in so long I don't really remember what that feeling feels like anymore.

"Alex can I ask you something?" I hear somebody ask me from behind. I turn around to Harry standing there. I sigh but he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the hallway.

Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in tooWhere stories live. Discover now