Chapter 32

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Louis' POV

I haven't talked to Zayn for 1 and a half weeks. Today is the day of Alex's funeral, it's at 4:00. Right now it's 2:45 and I'm putting on my dress pants and button shirt. I want to nice for the girl I love, yes I still love her. Even if Alex isn't here I know I still love her and she'll always be in my heart.

I walk over to the mirror by the door trying to decide how to do my hair. I just leave it how it is, with my bangs swept to the side. Walking down the hallway I can sense an awkward silence downstairs.

I know Liam and Harry are down there, but why would it be awkward?

I enter the living room to see Niall and Zayn sitting on the couch. I stop dead on my tracks when I see them. What the fuck are they doing here? They killed my Alex!

I slowly walk into the room hesitating slightly. I can just imagine what's going to happen.

"Hello Louis." Niall says getting up extending his hand toward me. "Hi." I say flatly brushing me hand aside. "Hi Lou. Don't you look dashing." Zayn says punching my shoulder playfully. "Whatever." I go to sit next to Harry on the other end of the room.

An awkward silence settles upon us once again.

"What have you guys been doing?" Niall asks us and I sigh. "Do you really want to know?" I ask bitterly. Niall nods his head. "I've been mourning over the loss of the girl I loved also known as the girl you 2 helped murder!" I shout and Niall looks taken aback. "I didn't help kill her." He says and I chuckle darkly. "Really? Lets see you helped Magi kill her. Made sure that she wouldn't go anywhere so you guys could shoot her. It's clear, you couldn't handle her breaking up with you because you were banging another girl so you helped get her killed!" Niall stands up and I stand up. "You know what Louis. I may have helped kill her but you will always be the helpless bastard that didn't try to save her." He spats at me and I narrow my eyes at him. "You really think I didn't try. You're pathetic Niall. I tried to save her, I did all I could but I couldn't save her, I wasn't the one who decided to take we life. You were."

Before I knew it I was on the ground blood rushing out of my nose.

"I had tried to talk Magi out of killing Alex, if I stopped that

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