Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

"I would like 2 20 piece chicken nugget meals with a large fries and a vanilla milkshake, 2 baconators, 1 Oreo McFlurry and 1 McChicken." Niall finishes. "Are you trying to eat the entire store." I laugh and Niall blushes. "I'd like a small chocolate milkshake and a salad." The cashier person smiles at me and Niall looks completely shocked. "What?" I ask Niall a bit nervous. "What are eating?" I sigh.

"I'm eating a salad." I say nervously. "No you're not, you're eating a burger too." Niall says and orders me a double quarter pounder. "Niall.." I whine. "I can't eat that!" "And why not?" I sigh. "Because I don't need to get any fatter." I say in almost a whisper. "Fine then I'll eat your burger and you have to eat 10 chicken nuggets. Deal?" Ugh he's got me there. "Fine." I mumble and he smiles hugging me.

******* Eating there food ********

"Wow Niall you eat a lot." I comment. I've eaten 10 nuggets and I'm forcing myself to eat my salad. Niall on the other hand is almost down everything he's ordered and he's eyeing up my salad. "Why thank you." He says and gives me a toothy grin.

"You know Niall, you're different than all the other guys I've met." I smile at him. "Different how?" "Well for starters you're the first guy to even pay attention to me and ask me about myself. You and the boys are the only people to ever stick up for me and help me with bullies. For that Niall I thank you." I lean over the table and kiss him. It's a quick kiss but I felt sparks. I know that sounds clique but I don't care.

"Wow." Niall says and smiles at me. I return the smile. "I have somewhere I want to take you. If you want to go that is." I nod my head and we throw away our garbage before leaving McDonalds hand in hand.

****At the beach***

"Niall its beautiful." I say and he looks at me. "Just like you." He says and we kiss.

This is a picture perfect moment. To people kissing on the beach, alone with the sunset and water in the background.

"Whoa." Was all I could manage before Niall's lips crashed back onto mine.

Best moment of my life was about to get a whole lot better.

-Hey guys. How was this chapter? I know it was kinda boring but the Niall and Alex moment at the end was cute. Well I thought it was. What did you think about it? Why do you think her perfect moment will get better? I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts. Please and thank you.

What do you guys want to see in future chapters?

I can't beileve my book has 86 reads!

Comment, vote and fan. Thank you guys so much for reading. Xx Sarah-

Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in tooWhere stories live. Discover now