Chapter 30

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Liam's POV

I had been in a restless sleep when my phone went off. When I saw it was Louis I knew this couldn't be good. I answered the phone nervously and when I heard Louis speak I knew he had been crying. He never told me what was going on, only that it didn't look to good and Harry and I need to get down to the hospital as fast as we possibly could.

On the way there a million thoughts were going through my head. The most common one was, Alex is dead. We're going to get there and find out she died.

I blow through stop signs and I'm going 30m/h over the speed limit trying to get the hospital.

"Liam?" Harry asks me quietly. "What Haz?" I steal a quick glance at him seeing the worry on his face. "Did Louis say what happened?" I shake my head slightly. "No, he didn't. He told me we just have to get to the hospital quickly." He grab my hand and squeezes it. "I'm scared Li." Harry's voice falters a little. "So am I Harry, so am I."

Louis' POV

Its after visiting hours and I'm in an uneasy sleep on the chair next to Alex's bed. It's around 4:00 in the morning when I hear footsteps racing down the hallway. I wake up and I see a few nurses burst into the room.

"What's going on?" I ask them nervously. They give me sorrow filled looks. "You'll need to wait in the hallway." One of the nurses says to me and drags me into the hallway. "What's happening?" I ask her when we are in the hallway.

"Her wound reopened somehow and she's starting to lose a lot of blood. We may not be able to save her." As soon as the words leave her mouth the tears start to well up in my eyes. "You have to save her! Please, I love her!" I cry out and she gives me sympathetic look.

It takes me at least 10 minutes to calm down and when I do I call Liam. Him and Harry need to be here, I can't deal with this alone.

Harry's POV

When Liam reaches the hospital he hasn't even stopped the car and I'm already racing to the entrance. He parks the car quickly and runs after me.

When I reach Alex's room I can't even begin to describe how it looked. There were nurses running in and out if the room caring different things, Louis was a sobbing mess on the floor, there was a doctor yelling at nurses and if things couldn't get any worse they wheeled Alex's hospital bed out of her room and down the hallway. When I saw her beautiful as pale as ghost and the blood on her hospital gown I knew things were defiantly not good.

I rush over to Louis engulfing him in a hug, tears streaming down my cheeks. Liam soon follows my actions. We sit in the hallway like that for what felt like hours. People passing us gave us sympathetic looks.

Louis' POV

After hours of crying a nurse comes up to the 3 of us with a sad look on her face.

"Are you guys Alex's associates?" I nod my head wiping away some stray tears, trying to calm down. "I'm sorry to tell you, she didn't make it."

When those words left her mouth I could feel my world crumbling around me. My body feels numb and I'm starting to get woozy. I burst into tears again and I cant control them.

My everything, just died.


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