Chapter 23

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Alex's POV

Louis and I go upstairs and he knocks on Niall's door. "What?" Niall says irritably before opening the door. When he sees me there he snarls. "What do you do want?" He asks. "We just came to grab Alex's stuff." Louis replies calmly. I nod my head in agreement. Niall rolls his eyes before opening the door and letting us in.

I walk inside cautiously before heading towards his closet. I search through and I find the few clothes I have here. I go to his dresser and I grab the other possessions I have and I walk back to where Louis is.

"Do you have everything?" Louis asks and I nod my head. He gives me a hug before taking my hand and leading me out of Niall's room.

Niall's POV

When Alex was collecting her things I couldn't help but watch her. She ripped my heart out when she broke up with me. I know what I did but it was a mistake. When she collected her things from my room I couldn't help but get angry. She didn't even let me explain myself.

When her and Louis leave my room hand in hand I can't help but get mad. I know I might regret what I'm going to do next but I don't care. I grab my phone and dial Magi's number; I had it from when her and Louis dated.

"Hello! Niall!" She yells and I smile. "Hi Magi. I heard you want to get rid of a certain someone." I smile wickedly. "Well Niall, you're right." "Meet me in the food court at the mall tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning and we can plan on how we're going to do that." I hear her gasp. ''I thought you're dating her. Why would you want to 'get rid' of her?" "I will explain that all tomorrow. I'll see you there." I end the call and smile. Alex better watch her back.

Louis' POV

I took Alex by the hand and I led her to Harry's old room. She sets her stuff on the bed and sits down. "Thank you Louis." She says quietly and I sit beside her. "You're welcome." I said before giving her a hug. She kisses my cheek and a warm feeling spreads throughout my entire body. She lets out a yawn and I smile. "You better get some rest." She smiles at me. She gets up and walks to the bathroom with some clothes in her hand.

I get up and I'm about to walk out of Alex's new room when she walks back, now in booty shorts and a tank top. She crawls under the comforter and I turn the lights off. "Good night Alex." I walk out of her room. "Louis!" She calls and I walk back into her room. "What is it?" I ask her and she bites her lip. "Can you stay with me?" She asks shyly and I smile. "Of course." I go back to my room and change into some pj pants and I crawl under the covers with her. I wrap my arms around her waist and I bring her closer to me. She lays her head down on my chest and soon quiet snores are escaping her parted lips.

Nothing could ruin this moment.


Hey guys, I know it's short but I've been busy and I wanted to update. Comment what you guys think of the book so far. Vote because I know you liked it. Fan for a dedication.

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