Chapter 15

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I'm finally being released from the hospital and I'm heading home with Niall. He drops me off and says he'll come and visit me around 7:00.

I step inside and surprise, surprise. Who do I see but the one and only Harry Styles.

"Miss me?" He asks walking towards me. I start to back up but I hit the wall.

He grabs a cloth that has some sort of chemical on it and I fall unconscious.

I wake up hours later with a headache, notching I'm in a strange white room.

Harry walks in with a tray of food. "Hello sleeping beauty." He sets the food down. I push it away and he shrugs sitting down.

"So there's going to be a little change for you and you're going to like it. First of you're dumping Niall, second you're not to contact any of the boys, third and finally you will follow any other rules if they need or are to be out into place. If you break one of those rules I will punish you immensely." He walks away and returns with a pile of papers.

"You are to read and complete all of these sheets by tomorrow morning, if not well you know." He hands me a pen and leaves. I try to stand up but fine my ankles are tied to a chair. I sigh and start on the worksheets.

Niall's POV

I get to Alex's house and knock on the door. When she doesn't answer I try the door handle that happens to open and I walk inside the house. It's eerily quiet. I walk into the kitchen to find a note on the table. It read,

Dear Niall,

I just wanted to let you know that you will never see your precious Alex ever again. I hope you had fun with herr because she's now mine. You will never find her and I plan on pleasing her more than you ever will.


Oh no! Harry the nutcase kidnapped my Alex. What am I going to do? I could inform the police? No, I'll look for her myself first. Now where would he take her. I know, his house.

I hop into my car and head towards his house.

When I reach Harry's house I open the door and race inside. I hear screaming and crying and I rush upstairs. I look into Harry's room and I see Alex on the floor whimpering and Harry leering over her holding his hand by his head ready to slap her. He slaps her and she falls over crying.

"Alex!" I yell running over to her. "Get away from my Alex." Harry growls. I stand up and face him. "She's not yours you asshole." He walks over to Alex and picks her up by her hair. She screams in agony and I try to walk towards her when Harry pulls out a gun and points it at me.

"Now Alex honey, who's your boyfriend?" Harry asks, but Alex stays silent trying to hold in her whimpers. Tears are streaming rapidly down her face. "Alex, baby. Who's your boyfriend" Harry says holding the gun up to her head still holding onto her by her hair. He pulls her so she's basically dangling in the air by her hair. "Nia- Niall." She says and Harry kicks her the stomach. "Who's your boyfriend?" He pulls on her hair and pushes the gun into her scull. "Y-you." He smiles and lets her go, she falls onto the floor and I can hear her quiet sobs. I can't help but think about what's happening.

"You heard her Niall. I'm her boyfriend so you can be going now and never return." I stand my ground and I stare at him. "No, I'm not leaving without her." I say pointing to Alex. "If you take her than you're taking her away dead, not alive." Harry says and walks towards me before knocking me out.

Harry's POV

After I knocked Niall out I drag him to my car and I drop him off at a park. I go back and find Alex in the kitchen filling a glass with water. I walk up behind her and I grab her hips spinning her so she faces me.

"Now about you thinking Niall's your boyfriend. You're going to be paying for that." I take her upstairs to what I like to call is the beating room.


Sorry it's been so long since I last updated! I apologize but at least I'm updating now. Schools been so boring that I needn't something somewhat entertaining to do.

I'm so happy about how well this book is doing! 517 reads so far! So excited about it, I couldn't ask for more. If you want to check out my other books go ahead.

Comment, vote and fan! Xx Sarah

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