Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

When I finally became conscious I find that I'm laying on the couch soaking wet. I look around to see Niall silently crying next me.

"What happened? Why am I all wet?" I ask him and he looks at me. "Well......" He starts tentatively. "We were playing 20 questions and I asked you about your family. Then you started crying, then hyperventilating then you passed out." He replies quietly. "Okay? Then why am I all wet? I couldn't have  cried that much." He laughs. "I tried to wake you up by throwing water on you. but it didn't really work. Then Liam told me that I shouldn't change you into dry clothes so yeah.." I laugh lightly. "That's okay Niall." I tell him hugging him.

When I pull back I say "do you have any dry clothes I can change into?'' He nods and I smile as I slowly get up and we walk into Louis room. 

"Why are we in Louis room?" I ask him weirdly. "Well if you wanted to wear my clothes you could have just asked." He replies and I hit him lightly on the arm. "I don't blame you either. I dress amazingly!" I laugh and we walk to his room. 

When I step inside he throws me some shorts and a t-shirt. "Thank you." I say and go to bathroom. 

When I'm done getting changed I walk downstairs to ask Niall what I should do with my clothes. Sadly I run into Harry.

"What are you doing?" He asks me and I take a step backwards. "Do you know where Niall is?" I ask him quietly. He shakes his head. "No I don't. Why do you need him? He asks rather rudely. I sigh and start to walk into the kitchen but he blocks my path. "Where are you going?" I point to the kitchen. 

"Oh no you aren't going in there. I know for a fact that Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn went to the store to go and get a few things; so we're going to have some fun." He says and walks towards me. I take a step back and hit the wall. "Shit." I mutter under my breath. "Oh don't worry Ally. You're going to injoy this." He says and tries to grab me. I duck quickly and run upstairs. 

"Good idea. It'll be easier to please you on a bed." He calls as he chases after me. I wince in disgust as I rush into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. "What are you doing in there sweetie?" Harry calls and I snort. I grab a phone out of Niall's short pockets seeing its his. I quickly open it up and scroll down until I find Louis number. I click on it and text him.

Louis its Alex. Locked in bathroom, Harry was trying to rape me. Get home A.S.A.P. Don't phone me I don't want him to know I've contacted you. Help me please! S.O.S! HURRY! -Alex

I quickly hit send and sigh leaning up against the door. Harry's still banging on the door.

Not even 5 minutes later Niall's phone vibrates and I see it's a text from Louis.

Okay Alex I told the boys and we're on our way home. Can you hang in there for another 15-20 minutes? -Boo Bear

Boo Bear really Louis.

Okay Boo Bear. I think I'll be able to hold on. I'm locked in the bathroom so I think I'll be pretty safe. -Alex

Niall's phone vibrates not even a minute after I hit send.

Hey Alex! Has Harry harmed you at all? Niall is freaking out and so am I. Your Bradford Bad Boi -Zayn

I laugh at his name.

I'm fine Bad Boi. Harry tried to rape me but other than that I'm fine and locked in the bathroom. Get home soon. Also you and Nialler are worried AWWWW. -Alex

Nialls driving and it looks like we're going to be home in 5. Keep holding on -Boo Bear

I'll hold on as long as I can -Alex

Hey Alex! I no u have N's phone. Come out now or you'll pay the price. Chose wisely. -Hazza

WTF how did he know I have Niall's phone.

How did you know I have Niall's phone?! -A

Boo Bear hurry! Harry knows I have Nialls phone and he's threatening me through text. S.M.S -A

Just pulled up. We'll get you out of there soon. Xx B.B

I hear banging coming from downstairs and footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly move away from the door and seconds later Niall and Louis rush in tackling me in a hug.

"Are you okay?" They ask in sync. "Yes I'm fine. I was in here the whole time alone so why wouldn't I be?" The shrug and Louis goes to help Zayn and Liam with Harry. 

"Do you want to go to McDonald's?" Niall asks and I laugh agreeing. "Being locked in a bathroom makes a girl hungry you know." We walk hand in hand out of the bathroom. 

In the living room the boys are beating the shit out of Harry and I smile. "We're going out!" I call and Louis nods. 

"We leave the house walking down the side walk to McDonald's.

-So guys what did you think of this chapter? Isn't Harry a bit sico? I think Niall and Alex will be a cute couple in the future. 

You guys haven't done a very good job at commenting and voteing so I'm onl going to ask for

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Can you guys do that for me? Also does anyone want a dedication? Tell me why and what kind of things you would like to see in the chapter that I'd dedicate to you.

Remember comment, vote and fan. Thank you guys for your support, if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't have 69 reads. Lol 69, never mind. Xx Sarah-

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