Chapter 4

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When I come to I'm lying in a giant king sized bed. Don't ask how I know that.

I look around the room. The walls are a baby blue and there's carrots lying on the night stand. I see striped shirts and suspenders Lying on the floor.

I get up and walk over to the floor length mirror. Whoever took me changed me into a really baggy shirt and that's it. Oh how lovely the situation is. I run a brush through my hair that was on the dresser.

I slowly make my way to the door. I open it carefully and peer down the hallway.

All I have to do is find my clothes, get changed and leave. I think at how easy that plans seems to be.

I take a few steps down the hallway when someone whistles behind me.

I turn around to find Harry standing there eye raping me. I look at the floor blushing a bit.

"What are you doing here love?" Harry asks and starts walking towards me. I walk backwards that is until I fall down the stairs. Louis comes racing around the corner and looks at me. Then he looks at the too of the stairs and glares at Harry. He smiles down at Louis.

"So Lou were you planning on fucking the nerd later?" Harry asks and making his way down the stairs. Oh so I'm at there house. "No, I wasn't planning on sleeping with her. She was visiting me and the other boys when she ran off. Niall ran after her and knocked her out being the brilliant Nialler he is. Then he brought her back here. She's only been knocked out for about an hour." Louis explains and I smile up at him.

"Then where are HER clothes?" I was wondering the same thing myself. "Her clothes are in the laundry. Niall decided to throw water on her to make her wake up but that didn't work so I changed her out if her wet clothes." I'm surprised at how calm he is. Harry shrugs and makes his way into the next room.

I look at Louis confused. "Harry lives here." I nod. "Quick question. Why did you change me and how much of me did you see?" I ask him tediously. He blushes. "I left your undergarments on." He replies sheepishly. "Did you see all my scars?" I ask him in a barely audible voice. He nods slowly. I feel like crying. Louis starts rubbing circles on my back and I start to calm down.

I soon relise today's the second day of school. I'M MISSING SCHOOL! I start hyperventilating. "What's wrong love?" "I.....I'm!" Louis nods. "I called the school. They're sending home what we missed today." I nod. He helps me up and we make our way into the living room.

The boys look at me with there eyes nearly popping out of there heads and there jaws on the ground. "What?" I ask nervously. Harry breaks the silence whistling and walking up to me. I flinch back when he touches me. Louis steps forward but Harry waves him off. He steps closer and grabs my arm.

He turns it around and inspects my wrist. "Do I cause this?" He asks me seriously, for a second I think he actually cares. I'm a little frightened to tell him the truth. I slowly nod my head and he looks down again.

Does he actually care that I resort to cutting because of all the pain he causes me?

- Hey guys! How was this chapter? What do you think the last scene with Harry and Alex? Who do you want more of?

Alex and Zayn

Alex and Louis

Alex and Liam

Alex and Niall


Alex and Harry

This stories at 27 reads and I can't be more happy.

Can I get

3 more reads


2 more votes

OR ELSE I WON'T BE UPDATING AGAIN!! You have been warned!

Thanks again you guys.

Xx Sarah-

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