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My name is Clarissa Argent. I am a muggle born from America, so it was an unexpected surprise when I received my letter at the age of eleven. My parents couldn't believe it, and neither could I. I guess my life completely changed once I knew I was going to a magic school. I remember that summer; it was the happiest time of my life because I knew I wasn't going back to those stupid muggle schools, where I was called a "nerd" for reading books during lunch breaks. However, it was also a difficult time because my parents were getting divorced. I moved with my father and my brother Aaron to England, where I live right now.

I remember my first time at Diagon Alley; where I bought my wand and my books, and a lazy cat called Whiskey. Once I got home, I opened my books and learnt them by memory, hoping that Hogwarts was as great as I expected it to be, and it was. I remember when I took the Hogwarts express, where I met my best friends: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald and Ginny Weasley. I knew Harry's story, and everything that happened with Voldemort and his parents, but I never asked him about that. Then, there were Ginny and Ronald Weasley, which were part of the most interesting family I've ever met. Ginny was a year younger than us, but she was my only girl friend at Hogwarts . Then came Fred and George Weasley, the twins that loved breaking rules and making jokes, so they were by far the funniest people at the school.

We are all in Gryffindor, the best (at least for me) house at Hogwarts. I am the smartest student in our year, and it is all due because I love reading and practicing spells whenever I can. I guess this happens when you come from a muggle family, which makes magic a lot more interesting. A lot happened in the first three years; we stopped Voldemort from getting the philosopher stone, we helped figuring out who opened the chamber of secrets, and we saved an inoccent man who was accused of being an ally of Voldemort. Those were very stressful years, and I want this fourth year to be the best one, without danger surrounding us; a year where we can actually focus on studying and learning. If only I knew how wrong I was.

[ hi guys! I just wanted you to know that if you find any spelling mistakes or anything like that, please let me know, since English is not my first language. I really really hope  you like it, since it's my first story.  Feel free to comment. I promise I will introduce Cedric in the next chapter, since it's the reason why you're reading this :)]

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